
Las Vegas, What Is Our Favorite Average Temp

We all know how hot it can get in Las Vegas, but what would be your favorite average temp here? Hey listen, it’s hot everywhere, but at least here in…

Thermometer in the Las Vegas heat
JJ Gouin via Getty Images

We all know how hot it can get in Las Vegas, but what would be your favorite average temp here? Hey listen, it's hot everywhere, but at least here in the Southwest, it's been over 100 in Ep Paso, Texas all month! In Phoenix it's been 100 degrees + over the past couple weeks...nothing new there. But it Miami, they had their first excessive heat warning EVER!

But at least in Las Vegas, it's a dry heat right? We know, for a lot of people, it seems to be a cliché, but it's true and it makes a big difference here. Oh sure, it gets hot, but for the most part, we know how to deal with it.

The perfect average summer heat would be 85!

So, across the country, a recent survey by YouGov asked what be considered the perfect temp during the summer? Better yet, what would it be for you? Over 1000 adults were asked about weather and what their perfect temp would be. You might be surprised to know that a few people wish they lived in Phoenix right now!

However, the number one answer with over 41% of the votes, it was 80 degrees! Followed by the 70s and 14% said they wouldn't mind it being in the 90s. When it comes to 100 degrees or a bit higher, actually 14% of those surveyed said bring it on!

Now only 2% said that 110 would be ideal for the summer...not sure who these people are, but they must have a great AC system! We're guessing it's all relative right? For living in Las Vegas, the average summer temp is right around 104 degrees with lows in the 80s. Now that is at least tolerable for most. Especially when you consider the lack of humidity, which can make 104 feel like the 80s for most.

Either way, a few tips for getting through a summer here. Drink plenty of water, use a lot of sun screen and stay inside if you can!

7 Hydrating Foods For The Vegas Summer Heat

Did you know there are tons of hydrating foods you can eat to stay hydrated? Oh happy day! Experts do say that sticking with water is the best way to hydrate, but that's not always going to happen. Sometimes we just get sick of drinking so much water. That's why millions of dollars are made off of flavored waters. We've thrown cucumber in our water, and lemon, and mint, I think I saw an artichoke in there once. Even bacon-infused water exists...although that one is actually pretty genius. Carry on. And sometimes it's not even the problem of being sick of the taste of regular water. Eight ounces is just a lot of water to work into our busy lives.

Oh high-maintenance diva...and she is just getting started. As hot as it has been in Las Vegas this month, locals know all too well that the worst is yet to come. It's even more important than usual during this time of year to keep ourselves hydrated. And don't forget that on a NORMAL, moderately-heated day, we're supposed to be drinking 8 glasses of water. That's not always easy to do. So how in slow-burning fiery hell are we supposed to stay hydrated in the triple digits of summer? Experts say that during these warmer months, we should each be drinking two and a half liters of water every day! And for the measurement-challenged (my hand is raised here) that's eighty four and a half ounces, which equals closer to eleven glasses of water every day! So, short of jumping into a river with our mouth and throats open, we might have to get a little creative to stay hydrated.

To make hydrating easier, we've got a list of hydrating foods that have a high percentage of water in them. Keep these in your summer diet and you'll help those hydration and hunger levels at the same time. Who doesn't like efficiency? - Wendy

Cucumber - 96% Water

Cucumber Slices[sommail] via Getty Images

Cucumber water is so popular, and at 96%'s like we're putting water in more water!

Tomatoes - 94% Water

Tomatoes on a plate[Kuvona] via Getty Images

Just one medium tomato gives you about half a cup of water!

Watermelon - 92% Water

Watermelon[Sahil Yadav] via Getty Images

Does that mean it's only 8% melon?

Strawberries - 91% Water

Strawberries in a bowl[xamtiw] via Getty Images

Strawberries have so many health benefits in addition to being high in water content. And they're so almost feels like cheating.

Cantaloupe - 90% Water

Cantaloupe[DeeNida] via Getty Images

And a ton of nutrients to boot!

Peaches - 89% Water

Pile of peaches[LindasPhotography] via Getty Images

There are tons of antioxidants and fiber in peaches. Eat them with the skin on for even more benefit!

Skim Milk - 91% Water

Milk being poured from jug into a clear glass sitting on a blue wooden table


Not only does skim milk provide all those good-for-you nutrients of milk but it keeps you hydrated as well! Try it after a workout for a better benefit than sports drinks! And speaking of dairy, cottage cheese and plain yogurt are also high in water content, at 80 and 88% respectively.

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Mike O’Brian is the Program Director and Morning Show host on 96.3 KKLZ in Las Vegas, along with Carla Rea. He has been with the Beasley Media Group for almost 23 years. Mike was named one of the “Best Program Directors In America” by Radio Ink magazine. Over the years, “The Mike & Carla Morning Show” have been presented with a number of proclamations for their work in the community and numerous awards. Having lived in Las Vegas for over 35 years, he writes articles on living in Las Vegas, sports, and odd stories happening within the state of Nevada. Mike is the host of the morning show and program director of 96.3 KKLZ/Las Vegas. He has been doing mornings in Las Vegas for the past 38 years. Over the years, he has hosted a numerous amount of community events and has been the P.A. announcer for a number of sports teams in Las Vegas. He has written on living in Las Vegas, the sports teams here, as well as odd & little-known facts about Las Vegas & Nevada.