Do You Go With ‘Book’ Smart Or ‘Street’ Smart Guy
It was “group therapy” this morning and one girl wanted to know if she should go with “book” smart or “street” smart? It’s Tuesday on The Mike & Carla Morning…

It was "group therapy" this morning and one girl wanted to know if she should go with "book" smart or "street" smart? It's Tuesday on The Mike & Carla Morning Show and another round of "group therapy" with listeners trying to help out one young lady.
She is casually dating two young men...according to her, one is "book" smart and the other seems to be "street" smart. It's come down to a decision of which one does she get serious with. After asking her parents, her dad seems to think "book" smart might be the way to go. Of course, she did mention that her dad is a college professor, so there might be some bias.
"Do I go for book smart or street smart?
On the other hand, her mom seems to think that "street" smart might make her a bit happier. Maybe mom knows more than she is leading on to? With all that said, it was quite interesting what advice the listeners had for this young lady.
Before we get to that though, we should mention that Mike O'Brian had the "fatherly" advice of "why settle for either one?" Isn't true that when love hits you, you know it right away? If neither one has already stood out, why settle or either? Bring in a third or break it off with both and keep the search going!
Others thought that Mr. Street Smart might be the way to go. He can always get book smart if he wants, but at least he has some common sense and the ability to work things out. Carla Rea had the best reason, in talking about her late brother Mark. He was one of the smartest guys she knew, but then again, not much when it came to street smart. Carla said he sometimes didn't realize you had to open the door before you walk through it!
Not sure how much we helped this young lady out, but it was we thought all good advice in the end!
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