
What Teachers Really Want For Teacher Appreciation Week

This week is teacher appreciation week! If there’s any group of people we should be celebrating and showing appreciation for, it’s our teachers! So how should we show our appreciation…

Joe Raedle / Staff via Getty Images

This week is teacher appreciation week! If there's any group of people we should be celebrating and showing appreciation for, it's our teachers!

So how should we show our appreciation for them? Of course recognizing them and their hard work and dedication to making sure our kids have a good education. But how do the teachers want to be thanked?

A survey was done with more than one-thousand teachers on what they want. 75% of them said they'd would love to get gift cards and items purchased off their Amazon wish-lists.

Those wish-lists on Amazon consists mostly of classroom supplies. These items are usually things they purchase with their own money, which shouldn't be the case. 57% of the teachers say the supplies they are always running short of are writing utensils, like pens, crayons, pencils, and markers! Or they appreciate gift cards for stores where they can go and buy the items themselves.

So if you're really looking to show your appreciation for teachers this week, consider helping by purchasing items to help them teach!

We have more on this story and more in today's editions of a Few Things You Should Know!

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Friendliest States In America: Where Nevada Ranks

If you've lived in Las Vegas or anywhere else in Nevada for a while, you might be noticing people aren't quite as considerate as they used to be.

While Las Vegas has never been the poster child for altruism, we've had a nice little community going on for a long time. But recently I've noticed a bit of a change. Specifically on the roads. In the last two weeks, I've had two incidences in traffic that involved the other driver very blatantly giving me the proverbial finger. Both broke the law and then acted like I was in the wrong. One went as far as to slam on his brakes after HE cut me off right before an intersection.

And what's going on with people in grocery stores lately? I feel like it wasn't that long ago in Las Vegas that people actually said "excuse me" when they walked between a person and the aisle they were looking at. When that started to decline, I chalked it up to a younger generation having different opinions about the matter. But when people my age were doing it, I was disheartened. I was taught consideration and politeness as a kid. Is it THAT hard to acknowledge another human being when you enter their bubble?

These experiences have compelled me to look up where Nevada ranks in terms of the friendliest states in the country. And to my disappointment, we're not doing that great on the scale of niceness. According to, Nevada comes in at Number 43 out of the 50 states as the friendliest in America.

Of course these numbers might change depending on where you are in the state and what time of year it is, etc. I imagine during the hot summer months, people might be a little grumpier. Or perhaps around election time. Or other times when an external factor might alter our personalities.

In this specific survey from a travel blog, which polled 2.5 million travelers, Nevada ranked above only New York, Massachusetts, Delaware, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Washington and Arkansas. Here are the states who made the top 10. - Wendy Rush

#10 - Hawaii

Makena Secret Beach at sunset in Maui, HIpaulacobleigh via Getty Images

Well, sure. If you live in a place that looks like this, you're going to be a happy individual. I'm guessing Hawaii would be on top of the list if the cost of living wasn't so high.

#9 - Oklahoma

The sun is setting with an orange glow over a field of ripe wheat on the great plains of the United States.dmfoss via Getty Images

The state where the winds come sweeping down the plains is a pretty darn friendly place to live.

#8 - Kansas

Kansas Flint HillsEd Lallo via Getty Images

I'm starting to think there's some happiness factor to living near rolling fields.

#7 - Colorado

Maroon Bells, near Aspen in Colorado, with autumn color.Brent_1 via Getty Images

I dare you to live with this view and not be annoyingly friendly to your neighbor.

#6 - Indiana

Lake Sunrise-Howard County IndianaWilliam Reagan via Getty Images

I'm guessing the friendliest people in Indiana wake up early, cause that sunrise is pretty hard to be mad at.

#5 - Wyoming

A colorful spring sunset at Teton Range, seen from an abandoned old ranch in Mormon Row historic district, in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA.SeanXu via Getty Images

And with these sunsets, Wyoming folk must be night owls.

#4 - Texas

Downtown Austin Texas with capital and riverfrontJonathan Ross via Getty Images

There's no doubt the people in Texas are a friendly bunch. They're proud of their state and happy to share it with newcomers.

#3 - South Carolina

Columbia, South Carolina, USA downtown city skyline from Finlay Park at dusk.Sean Pavone via Getty Images

Southern hospitality is alive and well in South Carolina. And they welcome newcomers like they're family.

#2 - Tennessee

Nashvile TN skyline with red sunset and birdsJonathan Ross via Getty Images

Another southern state that likes to show off its hospitality. Might be all that music coming out of Nashville. It's hard not to be friendly when you got all that going on.

#1 - Minnesota

A view of downtown St. Paul in the morning with still water from the Mississippi River with reflection from the High Bridge.culbertson via Getty Images

If you want to take a vacation where you'll get a sense of renewed faith in humanity, it's got to be Minnesota. Number one on the list for friendliness.

Morty is the Executive Producer of “The Mike And Carla Morning Show” on 96.3 KKLZ. He's been a part of the show and station for 5 years. Aside from producing the morning show, he has served as production director for over 20 years. Those commercials you hear between the music, he produced a lot of them for Las Vegas! He loves music, playing guitar, all things Vegas Golden Knights, the Steelers, and his English Bulldog, Squish! He will talk forever with you on any of these things! Morty writes about peculiar news stories and Las Vegas happenings.