
Find Out What Carla Rea Lost In The ‘Breakup’

It never fails to happen when you split up with that one person then end up taking something just for spite…heck, it wasn’t even theirs to begin with! In talking…

Taking Stuff in Divorce

Van full of moving boxes and furniture near house

Liudmila Chernetska via Getty Images

It never fails to happen when you split up with that one person then end up taking something just for spite...heck, it wasn't even theirs to begin with! In talking about this on The Mike & Carla Morning Show, Carla Rea reprised her story about what she lost in a recent breakup...where that other person didn't even need it!

However, let's be clear that Carla, isn't the only person that has gone through something like this, but in the end, you should know the other person took the "edger"! And the fact that she was moving into an apartment, an upstairs apartment for that matter, just lends more credibility to the fact that she took it just because!

On the other hand, Mike O'Brian went back to get some things that belong to him only to find out that they had been taken out of the garage by the girl's ex! It's like what? Not that the items meant that much to him, it's the principal of the matter!

We all have stories like this and when listeners starting texting in and even calling in, they you knew it was real! Even Mike's wife Jodi has her own story about CD's that her ex thought he should get since he had the delusions that he actually bought in the first place! Well guess again Batman! To hear the story we titled, "I bought the Hootie" is one that you just have to's worth the couple of minutes!

All in all, everyone has their own stories of things that were taken during a breakup just because you knew it was like the last dig at that person before it was finally over! So take a couple of minutes to listen to the segment from this morning and enjoy!

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Mike O’Brian is the Program Director and Morning Show host on 96.3 KKLZ in Las Vegas, along with Carla Rea. He has been with the Beasley Media Group for almost 23 years. Mike was named one of the “Best Program Directors In America” by Radio Ink magazine. Over the years, “The Mike & Carla Morning Show” have been presented with a number of proclamations for their work in the community and numerous awards. Having lived in Las Vegas for over 35 years, he writes articles on living in Las Vegas, sports, and odd stories happening within the state of Nevada. Mike is the host of the morning show and program director of 96.3 KKLZ/Las Vegas. He has been doing mornings in Las Vegas for the past 38 years. Over the years, he has hosted a numerous amount of community events and has been the P.A. announcer for a number of sports teams in Las Vegas. He has written on living in Las Vegas, the sports teams here, as well as odd & little-known facts about Las Vegas & Nevada.