
Should ‘Married’ Guy Hang With Single Guy

Think about this, if your “married” guy, should you be able to hang with your best friend who is now “single” guy? The Mike & Carla Morning Show got an…

Two guys hanging out
Vasyl Dolmatov via Getty Images

Think about this, if your "married" guy, should you be able to hang with your best friend who is now "single" guy? The Mike & Carla Morning Show got an email about just that this morning and wanted to know what listeners actually thought about this situation.

The guy's wife evidently gave "married" guy the ultimatum about hanging with his best friend, who was married at one time, but is now single and ready to mingle...ooohhhh, sorry about that! As Carla Rea said this morning, it's one thing to give an "ultimatum", but if you do, you better be prepared for the response!

Keep in mind that the two buddies have known each other their whole lives and have hung together through thick and thin! But once the one guy got divorced, it seemed like "game on"! From all that texted in and called in, most of the listeners seemed to have more of a problem with the wife throwing down the demand rather than the guy hanging out with his lifelong friend.

Speaking from experience, Mike O'Brian even said, if the married guy is truly happy and can be honest with his friend, he'll know when to draw the line when heading out! Which a lot of listeners agreed with...then it turned!

M&C started to notice that a lot of the people texting in were siting the same situation with the "EX" wife and it didn't end well after being given the ultimatum of "he or me"...when all was said and done, a lot of guys thought they should be able to hang out with whom ever they want.

It was a great topic, got a lot of feedback on this and hopefully the guy who sent it in was listening and will make the right call on this whole thing! Listen to the segment yourself and see what you think...and enjoy!

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15 Famous Fictional Bars from TV History

Among the surest markers of success for a TV series is to offer an immersive, universally realistic experience for viewers. Delivering compelling characters and storylines are critical elements of this, but location ranks among the most essential means by which to build a centralized vibe or feel for a show. For generations, bars—whether considered penny universities, dives, upscale lounges, or clubs—have provided characters on television the space to laugh, cry, or simply get grounded.

To celebrate the legacy of famous fictional locales, Stacker took a look back at the past and picked 15 iconic TV bars. Selections come from a wide range of shows spanning genres and decades. These locations serve as ideal tools for character engagement and development, interesting scenarios, and alternate backdrops. Bars are a ripe setting for colorful background and secondary characters—not to mention the occasional outlandish situation.

Here are some of the most famous watering holes that play key roles in some very famous TV show narratives.

Paddy's Pub

Bluebush Productions

The “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia” hangout is the central place for the show’s circle of friends known as “The Gang.” It’s a perpetually struggling Irish bar owned by the collective. Countless shenanigans occur at Paddy's Pub throughout the series, from a talent show and child beauty pageant to adult entertainment and the unforgettable "Game of Games."


Paramount Television

There’s no real or fake bar on Earth more famous than Cheers. The bar is not only the place “where everybody knows your name,” it's the namesake of the series it appears on. The series (and real-life bar exterior) is set in Boston, with the pub's interior serving as the backdrop for most of each episode. Characters spend much of their time talking, drinking, and hanging out in this space that essentially holds a starring role on the series.

Moe's Tavern

20th Century Fox Television

Homer Simpson’s favorite hangout is just as infamous as the Simpson home itself. Moe’s is where several characters like Barney Gumble tend to hang out a lot. An early running gag on the series is Bart Simpson calling the bar and asking for someone with an inane name, causing Moe to look for the person and get laughed at by his customers. The tavern appears in many episodes, including one where Moe turns it into a gay bar and another where he fronts as a pet shop to circumvent a temporary Prohibition-era law.


20th Century Fox Television

“How I Met Your Mother” fans saw this pub a lot, specifically with the crew sitting together in a booth to talk about their lives. In one episode, Lily participates in a massive hot dog eating contest and stands up with a large belly. In reality, actor Alyson Hannigan was pregnant.

The Gem Saloon

Home Box Office (HBO)

This “Deadwood” Saloon plays a big role in the period Western drama, which is about the real-life city of Deadwood, South Dakota. It is based on The Gem Theater, a saloon in the late 1800s that entertained miners with different acts, fights, and other entertainment. In the show, The Gem Saloon includes a group of sex workers, making the location a brothel where its characters often hang out. Season 2 includes a fight where two men fight and fall over the saloon’s balcony.

Bang Bang Bar

Lynch/Frost Productions

This “Twin Peaks” haunt is where the show’s characters like to convene. The bar, referred to as the Roadhouse, is where Laura and Donna sneak to meet older boys, bikers hang out, and a variety of people take the center stage to perform. It’s a catch-all place that brings together folks from all walks of life in this drama.

Ten Forward

Paramount Television

Bars even exist in the final frontier. The lounge exists on Deck 10 as a place for crewmembers to relax, drink, eat, and even play games. Ten Forward is the location for several events like weddings, ceremonies, and even birthday parties. Guinan, famously played by Whoopi Goldberg, is perhaps the “Star Trek” character most associated with the bar, as the one who ran it.

The Drunken Clam

20th Century Fox Television

What hasn’t happened at The Drunken Clam? Peter Griffin’s hangout on “Family Guy” is where he goes with his friends Joe, Quagmire, and Cleveland to sit in their same booth and drink copious amounts of beer. The Quahog hangout has been the location of several famous happenings, including Brian and Stewie getting heavily intoxicated, Peter falling off the roof and killing Joan Cusack, and God burning the place to the ground while trying to impress a woman.

The Snakehole Lounge

Deedle-Dee Productions

This “Parks and Recreation” kickback is the place to be in Pawnee. It is a hangout spot for locals, including a few of the show’s main cast of co-workers. In the episode “Woman of the Year,” Tom Haverford, with the help of several other Parks and Recreation Department employees, buys a share of the property from its owner Freddy. The lounge is famously known as “Pawnee’s Sickest Nightclub.”

Kavanaugh's Bar

Blown Deadline Productions

“The Wire” is up there with the most beloved shows of all time. The show dives into the streets of Baltimore through the eyes of various groups, including law enforcement, drug rings, the government, and journalists. So it is no surprise that a key location in the series is a bar, specifically one where police gather. It is where Jay Landsman, a homicide sergeant, holds several wakes after detectives are killed in the line of duty.

The Bada Bing

Home Box Office (HBO)

There’s a lot more than exotic dancing going on in this club. The Bada Bing is where several characters from the Sopranos conduct business in back offices and in the midst of the action alike. Several things happen in the club, including Silvio Dante’s shooting in the parking lot and Christopher Moltisanti’s heroin overdose in the bathroom. The phrase “bada bing” comes from “The Godfather” character Sonny Corleone.


Bettmann // Getty Images

p>The Tropicana plays a frequent and important role on the classic sitcom “I Love Lucy.” It’s where musician Ricky Ricardo works as a bandleader and performer (and later as manager then owner), delivering some wonderful performances. But what fans really love are the many hilarious appearances by Lucy, his wife who wants to be in show business but doesn’t have the knack for performing. It is also where Lucy famously tells Ricky that she is having a baby.

Emerald City Bar


This “Grey’s Anatomy” bar is in the perfect location on the drama series: right across the street from Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. The show’s rotating cast of medical professionals often goes there to hang out and unwind from the neverending stress (and drama) in their lives. Emerald City Bar also has its own wild moments, including Joan crashing her car through a window and injuring a few doctors.

The Regal Beagle

DLT Entertainment

Janet, Chrissy, and Jack’s favorite hangout spot on “Three’s Company” is a chill pub with a lot of history on the series. It is where the trio goes for some fun together, to take a moment to chill, or to meet love interests. Jack even fills in as a bartender at one point. The roommates also run into the Ropers, the couple who manage their apartment building, more frequently than they’d like to.

Rosie's Bar

20th Century Fox Television

p>M*A*S*H’s off-base Korean bar is where its characters go to drink and get good food. It is centered in the episode “A Night at Rosie’s” when Hawkeye, Scully, and BJ have a lot of drinks and decide they will make the bar its own country. For the soldiers, it is a place that is a slice of peace during the midst of war. The fictional bar honors Rose’s Bar, a real place that became well known among U.S. troops during the Korean War.

Mike O’Brian is the Program Director and Morning Show host on 96.3 KKLZ in Las Vegas, along with Carla Rea. He has been with the Beasley Media Group for almost 23 years. Mike was named one of the “Best Program Directors In America” by Radio Ink magazine. Over the years, “The Mike & Carla Morning Show” have been presented with a number of proclamations for their work in the community and numerous awards. Having lived in Las Vegas for over 35 years, he writes articles on living in Las Vegas, sports, and odd stories happening within the state of Nevada. Mike is the host of the morning show and program director of 96.3 KKLZ/Las Vegas. He has been doing mornings in Las Vegas for the past 38 years. Over the years, he has hosted a numerous amount of community events and has been the P.A. announcer for a number of sports teams in Las Vegas. He has written on living in Las Vegas, the sports teams here, as well as odd & little-known facts about Las Vegas & Nevada.