These 5 Things That Will Make You Happier In The Morning!
If you wake up early on the wrong side of the bed, here at 5 things you can do to make you happier in the morning! First of all, let’s…

Man and woman waking up in bed with a smile on their face
dusanpetkovic via Getty ImagesIf you wake up early on the wrong side of the bed, here at 5 things you can do to make you happier in the morning! First of all, let's get it out of the way...none of the 5 things include THAT!
But they are great ways to help you start off your day off on the right foot. Now keep in mind that The Mike & Carla Morning Show have been waking up early for years. Despite what you hear on their morning show, they don't always come in with a smile. However, after you get used to it, you find out that your mornings are the best time of day.
Really? 5 Things That Will Make Me Happier In The Morning?
According to a little research published in the Huffpost, we come to find out that there are only about 5 simple things you really need to do...or NOT do to have a better morning!
On the other hand, keep in mind, if you're not a morning person, this is just not going to work. Doesn't matter how hard you try, there are some people that mornings just don't agree with.
But do keep a few things in mind. We know that Mike O'Brian would tell you to make sure you get enough sleep. Keep consistent hours when it comes to going to bed and waking up. Don't eat right before going to bed.
On the other hand, Carla Rea has a pretty consistent routine for getting up early. She is an avid runner, eats well and no longer stays out all night. Even after doing her stand-up, it's straighter home to unwind, then hit the rack.
Listen, everyone is different, so is their routine. But it seems that any advice that would help us be happier in the morning wouldn't hurt! So, scroll down below and see if these 5 tips don't help you and enjoy!
5 Tips To Help You Be Happy In The Morning!
It just seems to make sense. If you wake up being thankful for whatever you have in your life they say chances are it will help you start the day on the right foot. So for that, it comes in at #5 on the list!

Coming in at #4 is just talking to someone. Especially in the morning. A phone call, meeting up for just gives you something to look forward to as well as sharing your morning with someone.

They say talking to yourself is the next best thing! Hype yourself up...they say it doesn't even have to be out loud. Positive vibes is what it's all about in the morning! This comes in at #3 on the list!

According to the article, turning on the tv first thing in the morning let's others dictate your mood! Don't let that happen! Put on some music that makes you feel good!

The ultimate way to just feel happier in the morning...listen to The Mike & Carla Morning Show!!!! Okay, to be honest, we just threw that one in there. But c'mon, what do you have to lose!!!! Have a great day!