Nevada Has A Strange Question On Earth Day
Happy Earth Day! Especially on Earth Day, it’s important to find something meaningful to do for our planet. Recycling your bottles, cans, and plastic – I’m talking to you, Madonna….

Nevada on Earth Day
David McNew via Getty ImagesHappy Earth Day!
Especially on Earth Day, it's important to find something meaningful to do for our planet. Recycling your bottles, cans, and plastic – I'm talking to you, Madonna. It's good to do, and hopefully most of us are doing that by now.
Google Trends pulled up some data on people's recycling searches in different states, over the past year. They found some of the "uniquely searched items to recycle" in each state. Interesting what Americans are looking to recycle - if they can.
Thirteen states asked Google about recycling bottles and cans - pretty normal. Fifteen states inquiring about electronics like computers, TVs, and cell phones. Eleven states are still unclear on how to handle batteries - with good reason these days, because they're all so different.. Four states want to recycle tires.
Others were curious about LESS common things. People in California and Massachusetts are asking Google what to do with their old MATTRESSES? I often wonder about that one myself. But I'm pretty sure it doesn't say to leave it on on the side of the freeway!
Maryland folks aren't quite sure what to do with greasy pizza boxes. Virginia seems to be confused on what to do with paper towels. Really? Louisiana is dealing with those blasted ink cartridges.
In the silver state, Nevada is Googling something weird. Nevada wants to know the recycling options for CHRISTMAS TREES. Keep it up, and Christmas will actually be here, Nevada.
Let's move on to Alaska and Arkansas - they are INNOCENTLY, I'm sure, asking what to do with all their catalytic converters. Wow, really? How do you have an over abundance of those just sitting around?
The first Earth Day was celebrated back in 1970, United States senator Gaylord Nelson, from Wisconsin, organized a national demonstration to raise awareness about environmental issues. Rallies took place across the country and, by the end of the year, the U.S. government had created the Environmental Protection Agency.
Ever wonder what the Earth would say if it could talk? Well here it is.
I know they're looking out for me, but even I find Prius drivers annoying

I am SO ready for you all of you to move to Mars!

Remember: Lawn clippings and leaves go in the green bin. Plastics and Real Housewives go in the blue bin.

Knock it off with all that fighting, earthlings, or I'll turn right around and rotate the opposite direction!

I love all my oceans, but my favorite is Danny!