This weekend it comes full circle for me when I finally get to go back for my 50th high school reunion! The big one…class of 1973! And I have to admit, there’s a part of me that doesn’t really know what to expect. I have never been to a reunion for my high school ever. And keep in mind, I haven’t seen these classmates in over 50 years.
Having left the area I grew up in way back in 1977, I don’t get back to Highland, Indiana very often. It’s a great little town with a lot to offer and I have nothing but great memories growing up. At the time, Highland only had about 25,000 people living there and only had one high school.
It’s time to go back for a high school reunion!
So consider this, those kids you went to grade school with, you also went through jr. high and high school. Sure, there were other high schools you could have gone to in the area. Private schools, parochial schools that some opted for. But most went to our high school in Highland.
Like everyone else, through social media, I’ve been able to touch base with a few former classmates. Some have visited when in town, but for the most part, it’s been out of sight, out of mind.
I will tell you that I did okay in the classroom, played sports, although not at the varsity level, and seemingly got along with everyone. I really wasn’t attached to one group or another through the years, but I got through it.
Even in high school, I have nothing but great memories, especially my senior year. That year that we all look forward to…only taking a few classes, we were king of the hill, we ruled the school. After taking our lumps as sophomores and juniors, it was our turn.
Now keep in mind, our high school was nice. In fact, it’s probably in better shape than we left it 50 years ago. But I am looking forward to going back, seeing a few familiar faces and re-connecting with some old friends.
If you’d like to scroll down, I’ve posted my senior picture, to a current one and a few pictures of our high school…enjoy!