Newest Trend: Save The Marriage, Get A Bathroom Divorce
It seems to be the biggest trend right now for couples…save the marriage and think about getting a “bathroom” divorce! Hey, it seems to work and that’s why The Mike…

A couple that might want to get a bathroom divorce.
Svitlana Hulko via Getty ImagesIt seems to be the biggest trend right now for the marriage and think about getting a "bathroom" divorce! Hey, it seems to work and that's why The Mike & Carla Morning Show decided to let listeners in on it!
It's very simple as explained by one woman, who said it actually worked! Couples that have a hard time co-existing in the bathroom, well...take a break. In fact, maybe it's time to get your own bathroom!
There's only so much a woman can take...and the same can be said for the guy. You can push that person only so far before they have had enough. Guys, think about it, no more worrying about leaving the sit up! If you miss the target, don't have to send in the pit crew...just leave it!
Maybe It's Time For A Bathroom Divorce
And ladies, think about's all yours! Decorate as you please and light as many candles as you wish! Bring in your own colors when it come to towels and lighting.
Is this not the greatest idea yet! You can do your own thing now and not worrying about the other person complaining about this or that!
It's ideal for any fact, an article put out by DivorceAnswered, come to find out that this might be the cause of a lot of breakups! As stated in the article, wet towels on the floor, toothpaste in the sink, body hairs all over...we've telling you, we think people are on to something here.
Listen to how one woman described it on The M&C Morning Show. Take a couple of minutes, listen to the segment from this morning and maybe it makes sense!
Think about it, what do you have to lose. Take it in, ask your better half if this might be the answer to everything! Oh, and good luck!