Are Social Etiquette Rules Just A Thing Of The Past
Social etiquette rules. What are those? Especially now. Have they just fallen by the wayside?
Some Social Etiquette Rules That Might Just Be A Thing Of The Past
I admit I’m a big Reddit fan. Always some good discussions on interesting, and real topics. I fell into one about social etiquette rules that people don’t agree with, or stick to anymore. And honestly – possibly for the better, when you read why.
Everyone probably has at least one or two common social etiquette rules that they adhere to. They also most likely have one or two that they would be fine with just ignoring. Because, let’s face it, a lot of these rules are a little ridiculous if you think about it.
These Social Etiquette Rules Might Just Make More Sense
1. Not taking the last piece of food, or pizza on a plate. If no one takes it, it usually ends up being wasted for no reason. Waste of money.
2. Not telling someone that they have a piece of food in their teeth, or that their zipper is down. Basically, being “polite” and not pointing it out, has the potential to be embarrassing, particularly if it’s something that could have been avoided by just telling someone!
3. Not wanting to be rude by calling someone out for being rude. Or not wanting to be a jerk by confronting someone for being a jerk. It’s best to just tell them they are being a tool!
4. Refusing something you want, just to be nice. Then you play the back-and-forth game, where someone offers it over and over, until it gets to the point where it’s more socially acceptable for them to take it. Now luckily there are people you only have to offer something to once, and they will take it. Much easier.
5. Asking “How are you?” And expecting a standard lie in response. Learn to expect the truth. Like, “Honestly? I’m crappy!” Or “you know what, I’m great – I had sex last night!” See – honesty!
6. Sending “thank you” notes to people who attended a loved one’s funeral, or sent flowers or donations. Sadly, this is a thing of the past. But to many, this still means a lot! Others say a gesture shouldn’t require acknowledgment – especially if someone is grieving. Perhaps a case by case on this one.
Use your own judgement, and do what is best for YOU. For better or worse, others may think differently.