CCSD is rolling out a new school start time which mean Las Vegas students can sleep in. Extra sleep? Clark county students might love this. Parents argue, it's not that simple.
Changing school hours in Las Vegas has been talked about for a long time, and now it's close to being official. The Nevada State Board of Education approved new start times for high schools this week. The change would mean students won't start school until eight a.m.
As with everything else when it comes to the Clark County School District, there was a lot of debate over this. District officials were against the change. According to KLAS, Channel 8, Las Vegas, they even threatened a lawsuit if changes were made internally, and without approval.
Why Start School Later?
For decades researchers have told us that lack of sleep could be extremely harmful to our overall health. The goal in changing start times for students, is to fix the negative impacts on their health, well-being, and learning, which can all be affected by lack of sleep, or getting up too early.
Students love the idea of more sleep, but parents now worry about getting to work on time. An hour or so later might not seem like a big deal, but for some parents, and their kids, but it definitely could be.
Board members have expressed concerns that changing start times would impact other grades’ start times, and also access to breakfast.
CCSD’s general counsel thinks the state board is going beyond its authority and threatened legal action.