
Las Vegas Students And Parents Argue Over School Hours

CCSD is rolling out a new school start time which mean Las Vegas students can sleep in. Extra sleep? Clark county students might love this. Parents argue, it’s not that…

Female student sleeping near a stack of books

Las Vegas Students And Parents Argue Over School Hours

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CCSD is rolling out a new school start time which mean Las Vegas students can sleep in. Extra sleep? Clark county students might love this. Parents argue, it's not that simple.

Changing school hours in Las Vegas has been talked about for a long time, and now it's close to being official. The Nevada State Board of Education approved new start times for high schools this week. The change would mean students won't start school until eight a.m.

As with everything else when it comes to the Clark County School District, there was a lot of debate over this. District officials were against the change. According to KLAS, Channel 8, Las Vegas, they even threatened a lawsuit if changes were made internally, and without approval.

Why Start School Later?

For decades researchers have told us that lack of sleep could be extremely harmful to our overall health. The goal in changing start times for students, is to fix the negative impacts on their health, well-being, and learning, which can all be affected by lack of sleep, or getting up too early.

Students love the idea of more sleep, but parents now worry about getting to work on time. An hour or so later might not seem like a big deal, but for some parents, and their kids, but it definitely could be. 

Board members have expressed concerns that changing start times would impact other grades’ start times, and also access to breakfast.

CCSD’s general counsel thinks the state board is going beyond its authority and threatened legal action.

If the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau approves the regulations, schools will have to adjust their start times by the 2025 – 2026 school calendar year. Schools can apply for a waiver from the state to keep their start times before 8am, but it would need to be approved.
And if approved, many parents will also have to adjust their start times.

Things We All SHOULD Have Learned In High School

Did we actually learn anything of use in high school? I mean, real life skills?

High school is that place where we are supposed to learn everything we are going to need in life, right? It’s supposed to be the place where we start finding ourselves, and figure out what it is we want to do with the next fifty, or so, years of our lives.

Most high school's curriculum do a decent job with basic math and literacy. But a lot of people graduate high school, and then spend the next several years slowly realizing, "Holy crap - high school left me totally unprepared  for real life!"

How do credit cards really work? What does buying a house involve? Down payment, homeowners insurance,  property tax - what??? And you still don't know that you can't wash the whites with everything else!

There’s a reason the term “Adulting" has come to be loathed. So many of us leave school and go out into the world, only to discover we were never taught some of the basic life skills that we need, to simply be successful people.

But this goes beyond basic how to's, addition, subtraction, and dangling participles (look it up).

Sometimes you need more than bare-bones training. You need the context, and soft skills that are not found anywhere in textbooks. Very luckily, we live in a world that allows us to somewhat take control of our education, and continued lifelong learning.

Schools have a tall order when it comes to preparing kids for adulthood. These are some basic life skills that we SHOULD be able to fit in somewhere, so that kids have them at least by the time they leave home. But alas - NO.

Here are several things you should’ve learned in high school, but most likely didn’t.  Thank god for YouTube - I think you'll like these!

-Carla Rea


How to split complicated bills at a restaurant

The true cost of home ownership and mortgages.

How to calculate compound interest

Leasing a car is a bad idea

Understanding the concept of opportunity cost.. It's complicated....

How to build your credit

Time management

What to do if you are pulled over. If you've never been here are the basics

The art of haggling and negotiation. This is good!

How to give a compliment. Many people just don't know how...

Basic cooking skills. Remember: if you can read, you can cook!

Hydration. - it's literally LIFE!

Carla ReaWriter
Carla Rea is the morning show co-host on “The Mike and Carla Morning Show" on 96.3 KKLZ, in Las Vegas. She has been working with her partner and friend Mike O'Brian for the past 25 plus years. At KKLZ for 12 years. Carla Rea is a Gracie Award winner. She started out in talk radio, "when talk radio was still fun" Rea says. Prior to, and along with doing the morning show, Carla is also a comedian. You may have seen her on Conan O'Brien, Evening at The Improv, Showtime, or several comedy clubs across the country. Carla also worked as a light feature reporter at KSNV/NBC Las Vegas, going behind the scenes at various shows, and restaurants on the Las Vegas strip. As a content creator 96.3 KKLZ, Carla writes in a sarcastic, cheeky, unapologetic way on Las Vegas, movies, TV, celebrities, and this thing we call life.