Look Up – Asteroids Coming Close To Earth This Week
It’s a bird. It’s a plane. No – it’s an asteroid! Make sure you’re looking to the sky this week. Several asteroids will be flying past us earthlings, according to…

Asteroids coming close to Earth this week
iStock via Getty ImagesIt's a bird. It's a plane. No - it's an asteroid!
Make sure you're looking to the sky this week. Several asteroids will be flying past us earthlings, according to NASA's Asteroid Watch dashboard.
Is this a big deal? Well only if you consider something the size of a house, or a plane, grazing the earth. Ok, maybe not "grazing," but it will pass within about 3 million miles of Earth.
According to NASA, the asteroid is about 59 feet. Other asteroids tootling above the Earth, September 6 through the 12, have been compared to the size of a plane, and one the size of a bus.
The asteroids won't pose a threat - but it does sound strange to have these large things flying through the sky. Though at any given time in the atmosphere, there are things flying around out there.
Asteroids, Meteorite, Or Comets?
At this point you're probably asking what the difference is. Me too.
Dictionary.com describes them. To me, they are all just those fireballs in disaster movies, that come crashing to earth. In reality, one is space rock, one is a rocky object, and another is made of ice and dust. Simplified, of course.
About 25 years ago a friend of mine found a rock in his backyard. It was a little bigger than a softball, but it weighed about 15 pounds. It was a blackish silver rock, that looked like it had been burned in a fire. It was a meteorite. And it was quite amazing.
Time For The Dad Jokes:
Why are asteroids vegetarians? Because they aren't meteors.
Do you know what were dinosaurs called before the meteors hit? Live-osaurs.
What did the Earth say when Earth saw a comet coming towards it? "COM-ET me bro!"
If you want to track the asteroids and comets that are coming close to earth for their vacation, you can do that on the NASA Asteroid Watch Dashboard. Or you can just look up.
Dream Big At Fantasy Lab Las Vegas
Fantasy Lab Is about Seven Dreams:
The Fantasy Lab concept revolves around seven rooms, representing dreams, in which you spend about ten minutes each: Labyrinth, circus, stars, insomnia, nightmare, kaleidoscope, enlightenment.
Oh, It's Immersive:
Cocktails and Great Service:
Life is full of dreams
One of the neon signs that welcomes you to Fantasy Lab in Las Vegas' Fashion show Mall. Seven rooms demonstrate dreams - good and odd - that we have when we sleep.

It's ok to be weird
Fantasy Lab in Las Vegas has all sorts of cool neon signs, reminding us to be ourselves. Everyone is a little weird, so why not embrace it, and let your freak flag fly.

Fantasy Lab in Las Vegas has a room that represents insomnia, and how you might feel if you're an insomniac. It's full of color, clocks that you are probably either trying to beat, and constant movement.

A giraffe?
Why a giraffe? I don't really know. But again, it's all a part of the insomnia room. If you've dealt with lack of sleep, you see a lot of things that aren't necessarily there. Perhaps even giraffes.

Dream time
Shhh... it's time. We all dream in very different ways. Funny, strange, colorful, fuzzy, good - and sometimes bad. So lay your head down, and dream. Don't be afraid.

Dripping clock
The artwork at Fantasy Lab Las Vegas is different and colorful, everywhere you turn. From sculptures, to furniture, to video pictures that change after every glance.

Motivational etchings fill a room
"Do one thing everyday that scares you." Something to try, but something that is also hard to do. So don't be afraid, to be afraid! Be comfortable with the uncomfortable.

The future...
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." As you walk through this room, the colors are constantly changing on the etched glass. It a really cool feeling, and very motivating to read these quotes.

It might not be easy...
"It might not be easy, but it will be worth it." As you turn every corner there is a new and different saying at Fantasy Lab in Las Vegas. It's truly a room full of colorful inspiration. And who isn't in need of that?

Wocka, Wocka, Wocka...
As you begin your dream adventure, there is a Pac-Man wall. It's awesome! Along the wall are modern vintage games: Galaga, video pinball, and more.

Dripping lights
Probably my favorite room at Fantasy Lab - the Kaleidoscope room. Color, and motion, and music like you have never seen, or heard. It completely engulfs you, and it's a really cool feeling.

Video artwork
There is a lot of art hanging at Fantasy Lab - but it's never the same because much of it is video, and it changes every couple minutes. So you're constantly saying, "wait a minute..."

Shot out of a cannon
In the Circus Room at Fantasy Lab you can play with light up hula hoops, carousel horses, (fake) barbells, and be shot from a (fake) cannon. Probably my least favorite room - might have something to with clowns - but a lot of fun nonetheless.

A video look at what Insomnia might feel like
Video of Insomnia Room at Fantasy Lab in Las Vegas. The walls play various videos that are colorful representations of what an insomnia might feel.
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