Bird Poops On Pro Golfer At The Open
You just never know when it’s going to happen, but just the other day a passing bird pooped on a pro golfer at The Open! Yep, you heard right! The…

You just never know when it's going to happen, but just the other day a passing bird pooped on a pro golfer at The Open! Yep, you heard right! The Mike & Carla Morning Show spotlighting Viktor Hovland was in his backswing yesterday at The Open. In that split second, a passing bird just pooped on the pro on National TV!
One announcer claiming it was a sign of good luck to have that happen. Well, if it is, Hovland is going to need it. He is currently tied for 28th as they start round two this morning. However, this morning, The M&C Morning Show wanted to know the last time a bird pooped on you!
It so happens that this has never happened to Mike O'Brian, but it's a different story for Carla Rea. Carla has had this happen to her at least twice. Once, she was just asking for it, standing under a tree. According to her, right on the head! It was one of the grossest things that's ever happened to her. She says that she couldn't find a hose or sprinkler fast enough!
The other time, sitting at a red light with her sun roof open, a pigeon plop a nice drop through the sun roof right next to her. Missing her by inches, but you have to credit the bird, nice aim! So with all that said, the last time a bird pooped on you?
One listener told M&C that he and a friend were coming back from fishing off the coast of Southern California when a pelican dropped a load. Never before had the captain ever seen anything like it! It was such the moment, the captain took a picture to hang in the office!
Needless to say, other listeners texted in with their sit back, take a listen and enjoy!
Rubber Ducky Trail Is The Happiest Hike In Las Vegas
Took a fun, unique little hike this past weekend with my besties. It's called Rubber Ducky Trail. It's a nice out and back - or longer, depending on how you decide to explore it. It can be enjoyed by most ages and fitness types. Carla Rea, from The Mike & Carla Morning Show, is an avid hiker on the weekends!
The story is that there was a branch of this Joshua tree that overhung the trail used by mountain bikers. Someone hung a rubber ducky from the branch (which is no longer there) to remind bikers to "duck!" Since then, visitors from all over have brought rubber duckies to hang from the tree.
Hike one of the happiest trails in Las Vegas
To access the hike, park at the Late Night Trailhead off of SR 160 on the way to Pahrump. You'll start the hike to the rubber ducky tree on the trail that is to the right of the sign about the Old Spanish Trail. Follow it you get to a dirt road (about half a mile), cross the road, and follow the trail on the other side of the road. Soon you'll see signs that point to the Rubber Ducky trail so just follow those until you get to the tree.
Make it fun and bring a small rubber ducky with you to leave behind. Write the date, and something witty, on it!
Getting to the tree is only about a mile - so 2 miles round trip. But we spent more time on the trail, which I suggest doing, because there are amazing views of Red Rock canyon that you'll get the farther along you go.
By the way, this is very popular with mountain bikers. They are very aware of hikers, so try to be aware of them as well.
In my opinion - the happiest hike in Las Vegas!
Rubber Ducky Trail, Las Vegas

Rubber Ducky Trail - Which way?
Rubber Ducky Trail. We found it! Bring one of your own to leave behind!

So many unique ducks - make sure you take a minute to look through them!

An imposter! A rubber chicken on the ducky tree?

Rubber chicken
The album cover! We always take an album cover photo. You know - for the album we'll never release...

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