No More Clock Changes!
Daylight savings time is something we all can do without. Daylight savings time was created to help farmers with their crops. But the business person who isn’t a farmer has to also deal with it. It was also used to save power and fuel during the World War. In fact Sen. Marco Rubio reintroduced legislation to make Daylight Savings Time permanent. No more falling back! Millions of people in the United States won’t have their lives changed because of the clock change.
Last year we almost had it passed. “The Sunshine Protection Act” was passed in the Senate last year, but when it reached the House, it stalled. As of now, only two states in the U.S. don’t participate in Daylight Savings Time…Hawaii and Arizona.
Well for some lucky people, they will be on permanent Daylight Savings Time. About 56,800 people will no longer have to lose an hour of sleep and gain an extra hour during the day. Sadly, it’s not here in the United States. Greenland has voted to abolish it! Greenland will stay on Daylight Savings Time!
For all of us here in the United States, we can only wish that was the case, but hopefully soon, with Sen. Rubio reintroducing it, it will pass the Senate and House. For now, we just roll with it!
But if you really can’t stand DST and want out of it, you now have three options to move to, to not participate in it. Is it worth uprooting your life for? Absolutely not! But just know you now have a third option in case you do!
We have more on this story and more in today’s edition of a Few Things You Should Know!
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