Black Friday is also ‘Buy Nothing Day’ – Way Easier!
We all know that Friday is Black Friday, and many, many people will be fighting over the 20 percent discount on the big screen TV, that was actually marked up…

Cutting up credit cards for “Buy Nothing Day”
kimberrywood Via Getty Images PlusWe all know that Friday is Black Friday, and many, many people will be fighting over the 20 percent discount on the big screen TV, that was actually marked up 50 percent, but whatever...
Friday is also Buy Nothing Day. It's been around since 1992. Instead of Black Friday shopping, you're supposed to spend no money at all, and go do something fun that's free - sounds like a lot more fun already!
Buy Nothing Day is a sort of anti-Black Friday alternative. Believe it or not, it's been a thing now for 30 years. A guy in Canada started it in 1992 as a, quote, "day for society to examine the issue of overconsumption." It was originally in September, but was moved to Black Friday in 1997.
The main way to celebrate is to just buy nothing all day! And of course, you're encouraged to go out and do something fun that's free. Take a hike, ride your bike, play a game of monopoly with the family - which will take all day, anyhow. The truly devoted have also done things like going to shopping malls and cutting up their credit cards. So that's definitely another - dramatic - option.
If you ARE shopping on Black Friday, I won't judge. But, try to save a little bit for the next day, because it's Small Business Saturday. Small local businesses will welcome your business. A poll found 64% of us feel guilty for shopping at big chains, and big box stores.
If you feel like dragging it out, Monday is Cyber Monday.
But - probably most important is Tuesday, which is Giving Tuesday. So please hang on to a few dollars to donate to your favorite charity.
Whether you participate in Buy Nothing Day by relaxing at home with your TV, or doing some weird performance art at a mall with your emo friends, I hope you’ll take the time to consider the merits of this national anti-shopping day, and donate what you save a few days later, on Giving Tuesday.
Happy *non* shopping!!!
-Carla Rea
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When That Holiday Houseguest Starts To Stink
Those seven words: We're coming to Las Vegas for Thanksgiving!
We love having visitors - until we DON'T. So how long is too long for your kids, your siblings, your parents, your friends - even you, when you visit someone - to stay?
What's the maximum amount of time you can stay at someone's house before it becomes annoying? According to a new survey, the answer is FOUR DAYS. 49% of people said that's the cutoff. Four days, and everyone still loves each other!
Here are a few more interesting stats on holiday houseguests:
1. Hosting messes with your sleep. The average host loses two-and-a-half hours of sleep a night, just in the days leading up to it.
2. Guests don't sleep well either. 75% of us feel like we have to go to bed and wake up at the same time as the hosts, even if we're jetlagged.
3. The best houseguests are Baby Boomers. The poll found they're the most likely to be considerate and clean up after themselves.
4. Young people don't feel weird about sleeping in the same bed, even under their parents' roof. Most Gen Xers and Millennials still kind of do. But 70% of Gen Zers don't feel awkward about it at all.
5. 7% of people hide their valuables when they have guests, just to make sure nothing gets stolen.
Now - if you're on day five and they still haven't left, but you can't bring yourself to just flat-out scream "LEAVE!" - maybe try one of these passive-aggressive ways to tell a houseguest "it's time"
The Mike & Carla Morning Show actually talked about this and you can listen to the segment of those that have horror stories of "houseguests" overstaying their welcome...and enjoy!
-Carla Rea
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I always wondered what it's like to run a hotel.

If I knew you'd be here this long, I would've bought more groceries.

It feels like you just got here. But it's actually been a week.

Can I help you pack?

I wish you could stay here forever, but that would be crazy, right?!

As long as you're here, can you help me scrub the toilets?

I usually sleep on the couch in the living room. Naked.