The Shortest Time You Have Spent At One Job
What’s the shortest amount of time you’ve spent at one job? The reason: The Prime Minister of England is stepping down after only 44 days on the job! This is…

What's the shortest amount of time you've spent at one job? The reason: The Prime Minister of England is stepping down after only 44 days on the job! This is historic since Liz Truss will hold the record for the shortest term as Prime Minister in the history of England.
With that said, The Mike & Carla Morning Show wanted to know your record for the shortest amount of time on a new job! Carla Rea talked about her two days at an office where after only a couple of days she was a "no-call, no-show"!
Mike O'Brian on the other hand lasted a little longer at the local McDonald's where he grew up putting in only two weeks on the grill before flipping off the paper hat and smock you had to wear back then.
So opening up the talk and text lines, we were happy to hear that M&C weren't the only teenage slackers out there. One listener actually lasted a shift at a Starbucks, with another, not even two hours at the new gig!
Come to find out that those jobs that you thought would be cool to have as a teenager weren't as cool to have once you got the job. This was the situation for one girl who said she had wanted to work at the local Pizza Hut for years growing up. When the time came, she filled out the app, got the call and only after a few hours...she was GONE!
To be honest, we've all had that many of us wanted to work at a gas station as a kid? Back in the day, your car rolling over the cord that set off the little bell to let the staff know you were ready for service! They all came out, checked the oil, washed the windshield and filled the car up with gas. It was great...and a lot of little boys thought it was the coolest thing. Until you get to be of age where the dream is broken and the illusion is shot...
Check out the segment and see if you could have added your short career to the conversation...and enjoy!
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Top 5 Hardest Working States: Where’s Nevada
This weekend we observe Labor Day and the question you have to ask yourself is have you been working hard or hardly working? The Mike & Carla Morning Show found out that when it comes to the "hardest working states", Nevada didn't even break the Top 10! WalletHub recently put out an article ranking the all 50 states and running down "hardest working states."
Now keep in mind that on average, Americans put in more hours at work than people in a lot of other countries. If you do the math, the average in the U.S. was 1,791 hours last year . . . so get the calculator out and you figure that's about 36 hours a week, and if you take two weeks off a year.
Don't put the adding machine away yet, because if you total everything out, that's still about 25% more than what people work in countries like France, Germany, or even in the U.K. But a little less than our friends south of the border!
But when you start thinking about it, which state is considered the "hardest working state" in the country...well first, I can tell you that Nevada is not one of them. In fact, Nevada didn't even come close to cracking the Top 10.
On the other hand, we weren't last...that distinct honor is held by the great state of New Mexico. Other states ranking at the bottom of the list, Rhode Island, New York, Michigan and then West Virginia! Where does Nevada rank? Actually, Nevada comes in at #37!
The annual study ranked all 50 states based on things like employment rates, hours worked, average commute, and how much free time people have in general...clearly we have a lot of free time here in Nevada!
So what are the "hardest working states" in the country? New Hampshire, Virginia, and even Oklahoma all ranked in the Top 10, but what are the Top 5? Listen to the segment from this morning featuring a "Few Things We Think You Should Know", then scroll down to see if your state made it into the Top 5 of the "hardest" working states in America!

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Being the biggest state in the contiguous union, clearly they also put in the hard work in Texas to make it #5 on the list of "hardest working states!

klenger/via Getty Images
Even though this state doesn't boast a huge population, comparatively, clearly they put in the hard work in South Dakota to make it #4 on the list of "hardest working states!

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Being in the Great Plains of American, these people in Nebraska are committed to working long hours...maybe that's why this state comes in at #3 on the Top 5 list!

dk_photos / via Getty Images
Thee biggest state in our country and the last frontier as some would say, but needless to say, the people of the great state Alaska work hard making it #2 on the list!

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No matter what you think of the Dakotas, when it comes to working, they are putting in the hours and doing it! North Dakota is #1 on the list of "hardest working states" in America!