National Dog Day Means ‘Doggie Donuts’ At Krispy Kreme
Mozart and Beethoven relaxes our dogs.
August 26, is National Dog Day!
To celebrate National Dog Day, Krispy Kreme is offering its first-ever collection of Doggie Donuts. Now don’t know what the most popular doggie donut flavor is – maybe dirt, or stick, or other dogs’ butts” – but maybe take them in for a treat tomorrow, when you o get your own!
We do a lot for our animals, because they truly are our family, and we want to give them their best lives.
Many of you leave 96.3 KKLZ on for your dog, to keep them company while you’re gone, or maybe you put on their favorite TV show? It turns out you might just be wasting electricity – BOOO! A new study looked at how dogs behaved when their owners played music and audiobooks while they were gone. In general, it didn’t seem to make a big difference. Music helps a little, but audiobooks not so much.
The study involved 82 different dogs – with little headphones, and earbuds on (ok, I made that part up). Some sat in silence, some listened to Mozart, and other classical music, and others listened to the audiobook version of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.” Not a book that would be interesting to me. Maybe Tina Fey’s book “Bossypants”, or something more fun. Not to mention, as smart as we think our dogs are, I don’t think they understand that many words to keep up with an audio book.
The classical music DID help them settle down a little faster. Mozart and Beethoven are very popular with our dogs. But that was the only real difference, and they still showed other signs of stress.
The researchers didn’t look at whether the visuals from a TV might do anything. I, personally, think it does. But they say that sound alone appears to offer more than anything, when it comes to dealing with short-term stress.
Your cats? They don’t care. About anything. Ever.
9 Dog-Friendly Restaurants In Las Vegas
Las Vegas is full of expensive break-the-bank restaurants, mom and pop shops and small local eateries. Being a pet owner, the question that always comes up is, “Can I bring my dog?” Finding a restaurant that not only seats people but our furry companions can be troublesome. Vegas, Henderson and the other surrounding cities are very pet friendly with dog oriented parks and pet businesses catered just for dog owners.
As cliché as it sounds, “Dog is man’s best friend” first said by Frederick, King of Prussia, is actually true. Pets can’t speak human but they know what we are saying when we communicate to them. They are an essential part of the family as if they were a brother, sister, cousin or uncle. For a lot of us, our pets are the first thing we see in the morning and the first ones to welcome us home from a long day of work.
We take care of our dogs as if they were a baby. We feed them, wash them, take them for a “w-a-l-k”, cuddle them and make sure they are up to date on all of their shots. It’s our responsibility as a dog owner to provide the best life that we can give to our pets. After all, pets give us something that is so valuable it’s priceless. What is it you ask? Their unconditional love.
We scoured the internet looking for dog friendly restaurants and cafes that welcome our furry four-legged friends with open arms. We can report back knowing that we have found nine locations with great staff and great plate options. The best part is that most to all of them have outdoor seating or an open patio. Bring your doggo’s water bowl as many of the restaurants will fill it with water. We hope you and your dog enjoy the best lunch ever.
Carla Rea is the morning show co-host on “The Mike and Carla Morning Show" on 96.3 KKLZ, in Las Vegas. She has been working with her partner and friend Mike O'Brian for the past 25 plus years. At KKLZ for 12 years. Carla Rea is a Gracie Award winner. She started out in talk radio, "when talk radio was still fun" Rea says. Prior to, and along with doing the morning show, Carla is also a comedian. You may have seen her on Conan O'Brien, Evening at The Improv, Showtime, or several comedy clubs across the country. Carla also worked as a light feature reporter at KSNV/NBC Las Vegas, going behind the scenes at various shows, and restaurants on the Las Vegas strip. As a content creator 96.3 KKLZ, Carla writes in a sarcastic, cheeky, unapologetic way on Las Vegas, movies, TV, celebrities, and this thing we call life.