
I Like This, But Believe It Or Not, I Don’t Like That

Are you that person who will eat some foods one way, but won’t eat it another way? For example, on The Mike & Carla Morning Show, Carla Rea LOVES oatmeal-raisin…

Guy with a bowl
[Motortion] via Getty Images

Are you that person who will eat some foods one way, but won't eat it another way? For example, on The Mike & Carla Morning Show, Carla Rea LOVES oatmeal-raisin cookies, but just doesn't like oatmeal in a bowl! Odd right? Well, come to find out that Mike O'Brian will eat a lettuce wrap with lunch meat, cheese and just about anything else, but doesn't care for salad!

So how is it that we will eat food one way, but given it's served another way, chances are we will turn it away? Come to find out that there are quite a few people like this. The M&C Morning Show opened the text and phone lines and low and behold everyone was admitting that they are very much the same way!

Love applesauce, don't care for apples! How can that be? Love eggs, but not a big fan of French Toast! Now eggs not a huge part of French Toast except for the fact you have to dip the bread in egg batter. One listener brought up pumpkin to admit, love pumpkin pie, not a fan at all of pumpkin seeds. Not to mention, it just takes too much work to get all the seeds out of the pumpkin, clean them up, then serve them up!

One listener even claimed to love orange juice, but not a fan of oranges to admit, another example of it's easier to drink orange juice then take an orange, peel it, slice it, then serve it up to enjoy!

So as you think about it, what is it you like one way, but don't like another? Listen to the segment from this morning and maybe there is something you can add to the list...if so, always feel free to call in or even text in to lets us know...and enjoy!

Mike O’Brian is the Program Director and Morning Show host on 96.3 KKLZ in Las Vegas, along with Carla Rea. He has been with the Beasley Media Group for almost 23 years. Mike was named one of the “Best Program Directors In America” by Radio Ink magazine. Over the years, “The Mike & Carla Morning Show” have been presented with a number of proclamations for their work in the community and numerous awards. Having lived in Las Vegas for over 35 years, he writes articles on living in Las Vegas, sports, and odd stories happening within the state of Nevada. Mike is the host of the morning show and program director of 96.3 KKLZ/Las Vegas. He has been doing mornings in Las Vegas for the past 38 years. Over the years, he has hosted a numerous amount of community events and has been the P.A. announcer for a number of sports teams in Las Vegas. He has written on living in Las Vegas, the sports teams here, as well as odd & little-known facts about Las Vegas & Nevada.