What Does 2050 Look Like? Waterless Kitchens And Eating Bugs
Many of us grew up watching ‘The Jetsons’ and thought, how cool it will be when we have flying cars, and machines that cook our food in minutes, and a…

The Jetsons park their flying car, at their house that looks like the Stratosphere..
[Warner Bros.] / [Handout] / via Getty ImagesMany of us grew up watching 'The Jetsons' and thought, how cool it will be when we have flying cars, and machines that cook our food in minutes, and a robot maid that is just like family! Well, many of those things do exist now, some exist but need refining, and some are apparently on the way!
Dr. James Bellini is a British "futurologist" - which I didn't know was even a college major. James has been talking a lot about things that he fully expects to be "mainstream" by 2050 - which means they'll be accessible to everyone, and not just super rich techies. His list includes:
1. Households will be using drones to stock the fridge.
2. We'll grow food in vertical farms, where fields stretch upwards not outwards.
3. Kitchens will operate almost entirely without water, using ultrasonic waves to clean surfaces. Also, washing machines will use high-tech beads to destroy dirt.
4. Book your ticket to Mars! From 2030 on, we'll see many Mars programs kicking in, and in that decade, men and women will be landing on Mars and creating self-sustaining economies. Huh??
5. Lab-grown meat. Sounds oddly NOT GOOD. But it will probably be fabulous.
6. There will be bins that automatically separate recycling.
7. Eating bugs will be normalized.
8. Chocolate that doesn’t melt.
9. A mirror that applies make-up for you.
10. A machine that perfectly wraps anything you put in.
11. Ovens that plate your food once it is cooked.
I don't know about this whole 2050, futuristic thing. Bugs for dinner, living on Mars, self separating recycling bins, but still no flying cars? No teleportation? No cure for cancer?? And we still work five days a week? Let me think about it, and I'll get back to you.
-Carla Rea