‘Murder Hornets’ Have A New, Kinder Name
About a year and a half ago, the “Murder Hornets” made their presence known in Las Vegas and everyone started freakin’ out a bit. Well, it’s come to the attention…

About a year and a half ago, the "Murder Hornets" made their presence known in Las Vegas and everyone started freakin' out a bit. Well, it's come to the attention of The Mike & Carla Morning Show that they have been given a new, kinder name to hopefully be more acceptable.
They are now to be referred to as "Northern Giant Hornet" which right off the bat makes you want to smile when saying it! So to avoid stereotyping all the other hornets together, we assume that those that are in charge of naming insects were willing to give these hornets the benefit of the doubt!
Also, be aware parents that there is a warning that's out from Nintendo saying that "switch consoles" can actually just blow up in extreme temperatures. Not sure what that actually means, but living here in Las Vegas where it gets really hot during the summer months, you just might want to make sure to be that much careful if you're spending any great length of time on it. On the other hand, it might be one way to get your kids off the Nintendo!
And The M&C Morning Show also talked about "texting" within the house! Clearly this is the new norm where instead of yelling outside for their kids to come to dinner, Mom & Dad are just texting them while they're in their rooms. However, if you think about it, can you imagine the reaction of neighbors if Mom just started yelling her kid's name around 5:30pm in hopes of them running back home to enjoy the family meal? Not happening anymore...at least not here in Las Vegas!
All that and much, much more contained in one little segment this morning we know as "A Few Things We Think You Should Know"!