Is Texting Kids For Dinner The New Norm
Cricket Wireless did a recent survey finding out that most parents are now just texting their kids for dinner as opposed to the old fashion way of just yelling for…

Cricket Wireless did a recent survey finding out that most parents are now just texting their kids for dinner as opposed to the old fashion way of just yelling for them! On the other hand, can you imagine the reaction of your neighbors if you just started screaming your kid's name out the front door? Of course nowadays, kids are always wearing their headphones on or got the earbuds in listening to music or playing a game!
So, The Mike & Carla Morning Show wanted to know what it was like in your home when it came to calling the kids down for dinner. Do you even have that "family" dinner any more where you all sit around the table and talk about your day?
Sad to say that The M&C Morning Show found out that this is the new norm in today's family life...instead of standing at the base of the stairs and yelling up to little Johnny or Mary, now all Mom and Dad have to do is send a text to let them know it's dinner time.
We know we're going to sound old fashion here, but could you imagine the response you would get from your parents if you told them, "...hey, when dinner is ready, just fire off a text and I'll see if I can make it down!"?
We would imagine that if you wanted to have a family "meeting", you'd have to send out a "zoom" invite right?
Well, as Bob Dylan would sing, "...the times they are a changing" and clearly they are. However, you can find solace in the fact that you're not alone! If you'd like to hear how other parents are dealing with all this, check out the segment below from this morning...and welcome to a new ere of family life!