Adults Getting Hurt Keeping Up With Kids
How many times have Mom and Dad tried to keep up with the kids on bikes, scooters and maybe even a tumble on the trampoline? Sounds like a great idea…

How many times have Mom and Dad tried to keep up with the kids on bikes, scooters and maybe even a tumble on the trampoline? Sounds like a great idea on paper and in theory, but when reality hits, someone is going to get hurt!
A video is going viral of a grandmother in England stuck in a playground tunnel because she was trying to keep up with her grandkids. Grandma Tina does ends up escaping . . . The Mike & Carla Morning Show feature the audio, but also wanted to know the last time you got slightly injured!
M&C were quite surprised that a lot of parents were willing to fess up and admit how they got hurt simply trying to keep up with their kids! Even Mike O'Brian and Carla Rea told their own stories on how they tried to hang with their grandkids and nieces risking life and limb...luckily, no serious injuries!
Carla Rea trying a simple summersault turned out to be a little more than she thought, but thank goodness, nothing was broken, pulled or sprained! However, sad to say, that she will NOT be trying out for the Raiderettes this season!
Heck, even playing games can be dangerous as we get older...Mike O'Brian told the story of how his wife thought it would be a great idea to get the game "Twister" to play with the kids next time they were over! One spin, right had RED and Mike was tapping out!
If the segment taught us anything this morning, Mom and Dad, just be careful and leave all the playing, tumbling, riding and game playing to the kids...they are younger, in better shape and can take the punishment!
But still listen to the segment from this morning and see if you can relate at all to the topic...and enjoy!