Costco Bringing Back Free Samples in Mid-June With Some Changes
Costco made a big announcement during their quarterly earnings call this week: They’re going to be bringing back their free samples. Per Fox News, Costco CFO Richard Galanti said, “We’re going…

Costco made a big announcement during their quarterly earnings call this week: They're going to be bringing back their free samples.
Per Fox News, Costco CFO Richard Galanti said, "We're going to start doing some things in mid-June on a slow rollout basis in sampling. I can't tell you anymore, but … needless to say, it’s not going to be where you go and just pick up an open sample with your fingers. But sampling – food and nonfood items – are popular."
Costco discontinued its popular sampling stations back in early March due to the coronavirus pandemic. The warehouse giant has changed a number of policies since then including requiring all customers to wear a mask while shopping at their nearly 800 locations across the United States.
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