What We Can’t Stand About Our Neighbors
Living in Las Vegas is not as easy as where most of us came from…especially when it comes to our neighbors. According to a recent survey, there are a few…

Living in Las Vegas is not as easy as where most of us came from...especially when it comes to our neighbors. According to a recent survey, there are a few things we can't stand about our neighbors! A recent article published by SWNS spotted the Top 20 things that our neighbors do that annoy us.
As we said before, living in Las Vegas is sometimes a little hard. It seems that our neighbors aren't as friendly and outgoing as we were used to maybe like back home. We hear it all the time, "...where I'm from, everybody knew everyone and it was great!"
Well, where in Las Vegas it's a little different. Not in all neighborhoods, but a few! People are just a little more careful not to let there guard down. We are all a little suspicious of everyone.
Listen, if you didn't call before coming over, we're not answering the door. Heck, we even lock our their doors even when we are home! And letting the kid play on the front lawn is out of the question! And we're not letting the kids play in the streets.
On the other hand, we've all lived in those neighborhoods where you do actually know your neighbors...even in Las Vegas. But hey, we get it, but you have to admit, no matter where you live, we've all had "those" annoying neighbors!
Between their pets pooping on your lawn to blaring the TV so you know what they are watching. All made the list, but not even close to the Top 5! Swearing loudly and just littering is also on the list, but what are the things that really annoy us when it comes to our neighbors?
Cracking the Top 10, doors being slammed, constant house parties, and smoking. All made the list, but still not in the Top 5. Scroll down and see for yourself!
Outside or even inside the house, if you can hear your neighbors kids, they become "annoying"! Especially when you don't have any...either way, this came in at #5 on the list!

Darrin Klimek via Getty Images
When your neighbor only knows one volume and that is LOUD! Neighbors who shout ranked high on the list and with that said, comes in at #4!

StephM2506 via Getty Images
You would have thought this would have been #1, but not to be. It can be quite annoying when your neighbor has a barking dog...so much so it ends up at #3 on the list!

LivingThroughTheLens via Getty Images
Hey, everyone loves music, but you definitely have to keep it to a loud roar most of the time. For that reason, if you have a neighbor that totally cranks up the tunes all during the day and night...THEY ARE ANNOYING! In fact, it comes in at #2 on the list!

kzenon via Getty Images
The term is "inappropriate parking", but we all know what that means! Neighbors who park where they shouldn't! Or out in front of your house on the curb, blocking part of your driveaway...this is what neighbors found MOST annoying! #1 on the list...and there ya go!

JaruekChairak via Getty Images