CHEATING: The act of being unfaithful to a spouse or other partner. Engaging in sexual or romantic relations with a person other than one’s significant other, breaking a commitment or promise in the act. Well, The Mike & Carla Morning Show brought this very topic up…again this morning!
Cheating is one of those things that everyone thinks they know the definition of, but ask a few people what they think cheating means and you’ll see it’s not as cut-and-dry as you thought. Most can agree that having sex with someone outside of your relationship is cheating – that’s about where the mutual understanding ends.
One of Carla’s best friends recently told her that her husband once said to her, “if you have too many drinks, and kiss some random guy, it’s ok. But don’t tell me about it.” Now, they’ve have been married for well over 20 years, and they are NOT that couple – but it was an interesting statement.
Cheating definitely has different definitions for everyone, and that’s ok. We’re not here to judge. But you certainly have to be clear on you and your spouses/partners definition of cheating.
Now besides listeners texting in, calling in with their own opinions about stepping out on someone, The M&C Morning Show had their own thoughts on what constitutes “cheating”. On the other hand, thousands of people took an online poll on Buzzfeed, that asked if different things count as cheating, or not.
You can check out what those that were polled said and you can listen to the segment from this morning to get a first hand idea of how people feel about this hot topic! Either way, we all have our different thoughts on the subject, guess it just depends on who you are with at the time…so with that we say, “good luck”!
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