Hurry up And Find Out If You Made Santa’s Naughty or Nice List!
I already found out if I made Santa Claus’ Naughty or Nice list – and so can you! This year, you can find out what list you’re on ahead of…

Are you on the naughty or nice list?
tasza_natasha via Getty Images PlusI already found out if I made Santa Claus’ Naughty or Nice list - and so can you!
This year, you can find out what list you're on ahead of time, thanks to the North Pole Government Department of Christmas Affairs. It recently released its 2022 Naughty & Nice list, giving you plenty of time to improve, and fast track your chances of being in the big guy’s good graces come Christmas morning.
"The Department of Christmas Affairs" uses the Global Behavior Tracking Network and data mining technology to determine who will be in Santa's good graces come Christmas.
You don't have to enter any info, or take a quiz to find out what Disney princess or Ninja Turtle you most resemble. You can look at the list of hundreds and hundred of names to see if you - or someone you know - is getting a pony, or coal.
Here's the good thing - If your name does appear on the naughty list and you'd like to dispute the result with the powers that be, you can make a request for a review. "It is extremely important that you notify the Department of Christmas Affairs as soon as you can if you believe your results are incorrect," the website explains. "If possible, get in touch before Christmas Day so that we can make sure your records are updated before Santa’s visit." Do it, and he could be loading your presents onto his sleigh on Christmas eve!
Pro tip: Being a really good person between now and Christmas is a fast track alternative to the behavioral review system. "Good deeds and genuine niceties will be detected by the Department’s Global Behavior Tracking Network and good vibes will be sent directly to the North Pole Records Center." Translation: Don't be a tool and the likelihood of a Santa visit goes up!
Also, be sure to include all the good deeds you think make you deserving of a nice result. And on Christmas morning leave a bottle of rum next to the egg nog and cookies.
If your personal year in review is looking bleak, you still have time to fix it HERE.
By the way - I made the NICE list! (LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!)
AHere are some of our favorite movie and TV Santa's:
-Carla Rea
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Tim Allen, “The Santa Clause” (1994)
He went from a divorced businessman to the Big Red Cheese himself! Tim Allen is funny and relatable as a regular guy who finds himself literally expanding to fit the famous red suit. His character goes from cynical to sweet as he completes his transformation into the North Pole’s most famous resident.

Ed Asner, “Elf” (2003)
There’s not an ounce of Asner cynicism in this Santa. Ed Asner, whose Lou Grant character once famously growled that he “hate[d] spunk,” has to rely upon the good will and Christmas spirit of New Yorkers when his sleigh gets stranded in Central Park. He does it, and there's a happy outcome for all!

Paul Giamatti, “Fred Claus” (2007)
Vince Vaughn plays Santa's down on his luck brother, but this comedy is really stolen by Giamatti, who shows a level of kindness and joy that he rarely gets to show in front of the camera. He plays a wonderfully loveable, and human Santa.

Kurt Russell, The Christmas Chronicles (2018)
The Christmas Chronicles is a newer Christmas film that released only on Netflix a fewyears ago. Despite its youth, it's already become a movie worthy of re-watching every year. The story is about a brother and sister who decide to try and prove Santa is real. They wind up hiding in his sleigh and causing it to crash. The sibling duo has to help Santa deliver gifts or else the Christmas spirit will fade away and cause a catastrophe. Side note: Kurt Russell might also be one of the hottest versions of Santa. Another reason to watch this campy feel-good movie.
Edmund Gwenn, Miracle on 34th Street (1947)
The only actor to win an Oscar for playing Santa Claus, Edmund Gwenn definitely kudos as one of the Best Movie Santas. Gwenn’s Kris Kringle saves the Macy’s parade from a drunken impostor, generates publicity for the department store by alerting customers about better deals being offered by competitors, makes a young Natalie Wood believe in magic, and even proves his sanity at a court hearing! With a performance like this one, who wouldn’t believe in Santa???

Billy Bob Thornton, Bad Santa (2003)
This one’s just for the adults! The comedy is about a conman and his partner who dress up as Santa and rob department stores on Christmas Eve. But their plans change when they meet a kid along the way.