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The Mike & Carla Morning Show

What generation is next?

Boomers think anyone younger than them is a Millennial, and  anyone under 35 seems to think that anyone OVER 35 is a “Boomer” – Wrong! But this chatter has been going on for generations!

Let’s break it down (an expression from Gen X) so you know just where you fall. And when your kids,  parents, or grand parents speak, and use some lame – or cheugy (pronounced “chew-gee”) expression, you’ll know why, and what they mean.


There are actually Boomers I and Boomers II.

Boomers I were born between approximately 1946 – 1954. Boomers II were born between approximately 1955 – 1964. Boomers are broken into two different groups because the span is so large, and the oldest of the generation have different sensibilities than the younger. In the U.S.,  Boomers II, are just young enough to have missed being drafted into war.

Gen Z seems to think that Baby Boomers are just their out-of-touch grandparents, but they had a wild youth they often don’t talk about. Boomers are named as such, because after their parents came home from WWII, and the American population exploded. Baby Boomers defied their parents, protested the Vietnam War, and created the “Summer of Love.” (Look it up, kids)


Gen X’ers were born between approximately 1965-1980.

Some Gen X’ers say they are the bridge that connects all the generations before and after them. They are often dismissed as the” slacker” generation.

Generation X lived through the AIDS epidemic, MTV culture, and a shifting cultural landscape that gave rise to LGBTQ+ rights.  Gen X parents were famously (or infamously) the first to use helicopter parenting styles. Unlike Boomer parents, who happily let their kids stay outside until the streetlights came on, Generation X parents had a tendency to be far more involved with their children’s social and educational development.


Gen Y’ers were born between approximately 1981 – 1994.

Millennials lived through 9/11, remember when Amazon just sold books, and they’re the first generation to know a childhood both with and without the internet.

Boomers may accuse Millennials of being self-centered and entitled because of their excessive use of technology, Gen Y’ers are incredibly community-oriented and environmentally conscious – traits that are now being picked up by their children in the next generation.


Gen Z’ers were born between approximately 1995–2012.

Who is Gen Z? They’re still “youngsters” and haven’t made their mark as a generation yet, but they will.

Gen Z kids are the first to be born into a world where they know nothing else besides being constantly connected to one another, through their phones, screens, tablets, and even their TV’s with gaming.

So who’s next? That would be the Alpha generation:

This will be the first generation that will never know a time when social media didn’t exist. They’ll be more technically savvy than any generation before them. Hopefully they will use this powerful tool to change humanity in positive ways!

Now a little help with that generational slang –

  • Chuegy

    A Gen-Z term that became popular because of TikTok. Chuegy describes anything that’s considered uncool, untrendy, or people who deliberately stick to “older” trends.


  • Sus

    Gen Z. “Sus” means suspicious, or something, or someone that is questionable or dishonest. It was popularized during the online game ‘Among Us,‘ where the goal was to lie your way through, and not get caught killing all of your “teammates” on a spaceship. Good times!



  • Snack

    Gen Z. Often found in the comment section of pictures of Instagram models, “Snack” means someone extremely attractive that you just really want to “take a bite out of.” Of course, not to be confused with “main course”, which is someone who is wife/husband material.


  • Humblebrag

    Gen Y. Humblebrag is used to boast, but pretend to be modest about it.  It is an oxymoronic compound of the words “humble” and “brag” and is credited to Harris Wittels, a writer for the TV show Parks and Recreation, who created the Twitter account @Humblebrag back in 2010.



  • Bye Felicia

    GEN Y. “Bye Felicia” is a slang way of dismissing someone. It is based on a character named Felisha in the movie Friday. “Bye, Felicia” often appears in memes, GIFs, and hashtags to express disregard or indifference to someone. As if to say, “That’s it. I’m done putting up with you. I’m so over this. Byeeee.”


  • Thirst Trap

    Gen Y. “Thirst” or “being thirsty” is a way to describe lusting after someone, desperately. Thus began, “thirst trap,” used to describe photos people post with the obvious, or subtle intention, of getting others to lust after them and post comments that boost their ego.


  • Trippin'

    Gen X. If someone says you’re trippin’, you’re acting like a fool, you’re too excited, or  too bothered about something. The earliest usage of the word was found in the 80’s and is, of course, related to a psychedelic drug trip, so really – from the early 50s.


  • Headbanger

    GEN X. Headbanger came about in the early 80s. It refers to someone who loves heavy metal music. Gen X culture was responsible for a lot of musical contributions, including punk rock and grunge.  The phrase shortened over the years to just “banger.”


  • Psych

    GEN X. To “psych someone out.” Meant to mess with them or their head. Its first documented usage originated from a 1975 Dictionary of American Slang and was described as “To unnerve someone; cause someone to lose composure, will, skill, etc.”


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