It might be a little weird, but there is a list of disgusting smells that we all actually like…well, most of us! On The Mike & Carla Morning Show this morning, they all started to come out. According to a recent survey on Reddit, they wanted to know what those disgusting smells were that we really like.
Right off the bat, Mike O’Brian admitted that he liked that smell of jet fumes at an airport. It just gave him the feeling like he’s going somewhere. Carla Rea on the other had loved the smell of a opening a new cannister of tennis balls! In fact, that actually made the list of smells and came in at #12.
Other terrible smells that made the list? For example, the hallways of a hotel. Not actually sure what that smell is or if it is discernable, but it made the list. Another one that popped up was permanent markers! Ah yes! Rip the cap off and take a whiff of that!
Someone even noted that the smell of chlorine was their favorite odd smell they liked. In fact, he over adds to his pool with chlorine to enjoy the smell. Not sure if that’s healthy at all. A few people mentioned their pet’s food. Although a bit off putting, some say that with all the additives, food for animals smell pretty good to them!
One listener call into the show saying that the smell of nitro-methane. The guys spends time out at Las Vegas Motor Speedway and says the smell is awful, but he LOVES it! Another listener mentioned an eraser at the of a pencil. To some, the smell of one might be a little odd, but to this listener it’s the best!
Clearly each of us have those smells for whatever reason…listen to the segment below from this morning. Then scroll down to see what made the Top 7!