5 Easy Ways To Manage Stress When It Surfaces
Stress is a part of daily life. Maybe more now than it was before the digital age. With instant messaging, working from home and other technological advances, we are always…

Stress is a part of daily life. Maybe more now than it was before the digital age. With instant messaging, working from home and other technological advances, we are always available. That means expectations of us are high, and patience in those waiting on us is low. Having to manage stress has become the norm.
Before We Manage Stress, We Have To Know The Good vs. Bad
Now we can't hate on stress itself. It's not the bad guy. In fact, stress serves a very important purpose. When a stressor in our environment occurs, our bodies respond with a release of stress hormones. These are the little guys responsible for those bursts of energy that wins the race, or the adrenaline rush you need to lift a car off someone. In small doses, stress is awesome because it makes us capable of great things.
On the flip side, stress that never goes away is bad. Think of stress like your parents visiting for the weekend from their long-distance home. At first, it's great to see them! You feel all warm and fuzzy when they show up on Friday night. But by Sunday afternoon, you're ready to kick them out of the car without even slowing down.
Chronic stress, which is the kind that doesn't go away, can have serious negative health effects. Chronic stress has been linked to things like diabetes, depression and cardiovascular disease. Some experts, including those at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, have even linked it to an increased risk for cancer.
Exercise Is A Great Option, But It's Not For Everyone
Of course exercise is the first thing people suggest to bring those hormones down. Exercise releases endorphins that help you manage stressful situations more easily. Aerobic exercises like running, dancing, swimming or biking are some of the most beneficial ways to get those feel-good chemicals flowing.
But there are other, less rigorous methods that can be effective too. And some people have injuries or other limitations that make exercise a difficult daily task. So if you're not a cardio buff like some of us (I'm NOT raising my hand here), here's a list of other things you can do.
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1. Breathing

Breathing is an excellent way to manage stress in any situation. Just sit in a comfortable chair or lie down. Breathe in while counting to 3 and out while counting to 4. This tells your body to slow down and relax.
2. Yoga

Yoga has pretty much been dubbed the poster child of relaxation. And for good reason. Yoga combines the discipline of the body with the focus of the mind. And it incorporates lots of breathing. Which we've already mentioned is great for stress-relief.
3. Nature Walk

Have you ever wondered why some cities have super chill people living there? Pay attention to how much nature they are surrounded by. Spending some time in nature has been found to help a variety of mental health issues, like anxiety and depression. Taking a walk through trees or along a water bank can have significant stress-relieving benefits.
4. Tai Chi

Much like Yoga, Tai Chi is a practice that combines body and mind with a series of breathing and poses. Tai Chi is usually gentler than Yoga, so it's great for the elderly or people with physical limitations. But it has great benefits for anyone who wants to incorporate it into their lives.
5. Gardening

This one might comes as a surprise. But have you ever noticed you're sore after an afternoon of gardening? There's a lot of stretching, bending and holding core poses involved in it. Digging and carrying around pottery also works out those arms and elevates your heartrate. Plus, with the added benefit of being around nature, it's like a twofer!