People Listing Their Own Private Life Hacks
Sometimes you have to do your own thing…that thing that works for YOU! That’s why it was not that odd having people listing their own private “life hacks”! The Mike…

Listeners sharing their own personal life hacks.
Seiya Tabuchi via Getty ImagesSometimes you have to do your own thing...that thing that works for YOU! That's why it was not that odd having people listing their own private "life hacks"!
The Mike & Carla Morning Show brought this up and was not surprised as to how many listeners have their own thing that they came up with. An article that BuzzFeed put out the other day listing a few, for example, a pinch of salt into your coffee. Evidently it makes the coffee taste better.
If you want a shorter wait time at the DMV, go in the last hour it's open. Chances are things go a lot faster when people are trying to just wrap up their day to go home. Not sure you could pull that off here in Las Vegas, but give it a try.
The other hack listed, open your bag of chips at the bottom instead of at the top. Reason being, all the salt and the seasoning all sits right there at the bottom. Make sense right?
What Is Your Own Private Life Hack To Share
Listeners took advantage of the topic and texted in with their own hack to share. Love the guy who said to just buy black or blue socks. That way you never have to worry about matching up a pair of socks! Brilliant!
The one that a lot of people mentioned, brushing your teeth in the shower...just to save a couple of minutes in the morning.
Another one that came out of left field, but was a favorite was having a library card! You can't imagine the things you can do now with a simple library card.
If nothing else, The M&C Morning Show is informative! So, take a couple of minutes, listen to the segment from the other morning. All good stuff and you just never know...what are those life hacks you use that you might want to share?