Cash for Candy Will Pay You For Halloween Candy And Send It To Troops
Ian WaldieLet's be realistic, unless your neighborhood is full of particularly hungry children, you probably have leftover Halloween candy.
If you have bags of Snickers, Reese's, and M&M's, candy corn, One solution would be to eat it all yourself - after you throw out the candy corn. which may have already occurred to you. Another would be to donate it to a really good cause - whatever that would be, involving candy. Another option - sell your leftover bags of candy, that will go to active troops and veterans.
Cash For Candy For The Troops
Cash for Candy program is supported by HealthyWage. It is a health and wellness platform that offers monetary incentives to manage your weight.
Just fill out a donation form and send it with your candy to 'Friends of the Troops.' Healthy Wage will pay $10 per pound of candy, with a maximum of 10 pounds ($100) per person. Seriously - how much candy did you buy, that you even possibly have 10 pounds of candy leftover?
The candy will be distributed, and given to service members, veterans, and families in the US and abroad. Payment for your leftover candy will be sent within four to six weeks - check or PayPal.
Here Is How It Works
There is a caveat: You are responsible for shipping costs. So if If you only donate a small amount, it might not be worth it with the price of postage. But, it's still a good thing to do!
Only unopened and unexpired candy will be taken. So keep anything you took a bite out of! The candy must be sent by November 15, 2024. Healthy Wage is allotting a total of $10,000, which will be given on a first-come first-serve basis.
But this isn't the only way to get rid of your leftover candy after Halloween. Treats for Troops allows businesses to sign up to be collection sites, and then it is forwarded for redistribution. Some dentists will do similar programs (the evil ones), or you can always just freeze the candy. Or eat it real fast, before mom and dad send the extra bags away!
The Most Popular Candy For Halloween — And The Absolute Worst
The most popular candy (and the worst) - has been revealed. And And for the first time a big favorite of many, has moved into the number one spot!
The Most Popular Candy According To What You're Buying In Your State
CandyStore.com reviewed candy purchases from the past 17 years, and put together a ranking of the top three candies in every state. Of course, people buy candy for a lot of reasons throughout the year, so they just focused on the months leading up to Halloween.
Usually, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are the CLEAR leader at #1. But this year, for the first time - drumroll please - M&M's have surpassed them to take the top candy spot. A key part of the win was M&M's taking Pennsylvania, and Arizona. Kidding - election humor...
Top 10 Most Popular Candy By State
Here's the top 10 most popular candy overall, along with the states where their number one candy was the top seller:
1. M&M's: Number 1 in several states: California, Iowa, Kansas, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Washington state, and Washington, D.C.
2. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups: Number 1 in Florida, Kentucky, New Hampshire, and Wyoming.
3. Sour Patch Kids: Number one in Alaska, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Nebraska, New York, and Texas. My mouth hurts just thinking about SPK's)
4. Skittles: Number one in: Alabama.
5. Starburst: Number one in Indiana and Michigan.
6. Hot Tamales: Number one in Minnesota, New Mexico, and North Dakota.
7. Candy Corn (really??): Number one in Maryland and Utah. (Spoiler alert: You'll also see this on the list below, as one of the WORST candies)
8. Hershey Kisses: Number one in Arizona and Colorado.
9. Hershey Mini Bars: Number one in Hawaii - Nevada, baby - Rhode Island, and West Virginia.
10. Butterfinger: Number one in Arkansas, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Outside of that Top 10, you have Snickers, Jolly Ranchers, Almond Joy, Twix, and a lot more. Like Blow Pops, and Lemonheads. Here's an interactive map at CandyStore.com. See where your favorites landed.
The Bottom Of The Candy Barrel
And now the bad news. Here are some of the worst candies. Only according to CandyStore.com. So go ahead and enjoy those Necco Wafers.
5. Mary Janes
Apparently peanut butter and molasses just doesn't get people that excited anymore. But always remember, your worst might be someone else's best!

4. Necco Wafers
These are definitely a throwback. they are pretty plain, and pretty benign - and very chalky. They are certainly not the worst of the worst, but they’re also not winning over the masses when it comes to popular candy.

3. Candy Corn
Candy Corn is very polarizing. Many hate it. But some say it's the best candy ever! And they are wrong. Kidding! It's really just pure sugar overload. But Candy Corn still has a place in the great Halloween candy debate, love it or hate it.

2. Peanut Butter Kisses
Peanut Butter Kisses haven't quite captured the hearts of trick-or-treaters. Personally, I think Reese's kind of set the tone when it comes to peanut butter and chocolate. And let's face it- how can you beat a good old fashioned regular chocolate kiss?

1. Circus Peanuts
Circus Peanuts have sat at the bottom of the Halloween Candy rankings for a long time. They taste like fake banana flavored, foamy sponges. Yummy, right? No. But they've been around for a long time. And why do they look like peanuts when they taste like anything but a peanut?? They defy logic. But they do have a certain charm. And they are a reminder of a bygone era of candy.

Best and worst Halloween Candy
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