If No Sign, Do You First Push Or Pull The Door?
This is truly an amazingly nothing question, but if there’s no sign, do you first push or pull a door? There is a scientific poll that asked that very question…

A boy pushing and pulling a door open
kckate16 via Getty ImagesThis is truly an amazingly nothing question, but if there's no sign, do you first push or pull a door?
There is a scientific poll that asked that very question and really wanted to know what people did! YouGov reported the results of this survey of over 6,000 Americans to see what they would say. The Mike & Carla Morning Show thought this very important since Carla Rea has reportedly had problems with doors.
Come to find out that the results we're pretty even. If there is no sign as to what to do, a little over 51% of those surveyed said that they had a tendency to "push"! So overall, it's pretty even. Some push, others will pull. But why?
Do You Push Or Pull When It Comes to A Door?
Now, if you want to get even more specific, more men have the tendency to push. On the other hand, women tend to pull! Mike O'Brian said that he is with his fellow brothers on this. Entering an establishment, he will pull. Leaving, he will push first if there is no signs.
The report even got regional when it came to the survey. For example, people in the Northeast tend to be pushers. As oppose to those in the Midwest that say they tend to pull if there is no signs. When it came to those under the age of 30, they said in the survey say that they like to push first, then ask questions later! LOL! Those folks older, total opposite...well of course we are!
One listener, who is in construction actually called in to explain why doors open the way they do in most public building. Good stuff to know and a tip as to what to look for if there are no signs telling you what to do.
The main thing is to get through the door safely right! Included in the segment below is Carla's battle with the front door here at the station. Although she was okay, it sounds a lot worse than it was! For all the other info on the recent survey and results, listen to the segment below...and enjoy!
Val Kilmer as Jim Morrison & 7 Other Brilliant Biopic Castings
The Oliver Stone film starred Val Kilmer as Jim Morrison with Kilmer delivering an incredibly memorable biopic performance. In honor of the film's anniversary, here's a look at some other brilliant biopic castings.
Val Kilmer as Jim Morrison – The Doors (1991)
The Doors may have received mixed reviews, but most can agree that Kilmer embodied Mr. Mojo Risin’ better than anyone else could.
Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury - Bohemian Rhapsody (2018)
Malek's performance as Mercury is one of the best in the biopic genre in recent years and yielded him an Academy Award for Best Actor.
Gary Oldman as Sid Vicious – Sid & Nancy (1986)
He may be best-known today for his turn as Commissioner Jim Gordon in The Dark Knight Trilogy and Sirius Black in the Harry Potter films, but who could forget Oldman’s breakout role as Sid Vicious in 1986’s Sid & Nancy?
Dennis Quaid as Jerry Lee Lewis – Great Balls of Fire! (1989)
All due respect to “The Killer,” Quaid certainly was an upgrade in the looks department, but more importantly, he captured Lewis’ energy and personality to a “T.”
Paul Dano as Brian Wilson – Love & Mercy (2014)
While the casting of John Cusack as “Future” Brian Wilson left us scratching our heads, Dano’s portrayal of the Pet Sounds-era Wilson was as brilliant as the songwriter himself.
Kristen Stewart as Joan Jett – The Runaways (2010)
Stewart’s turn as Jett came during peak Twilight-mania, but her performance in The Runaways is one of the strongest in her career and should get more attention.
Jamie Foxx as Ray Charles – Ray (2004)
Up until Ray, most knew Jamie Foxx from his work as a stand-up comic and on In Living Color, but this role of a lifetime was a career changer for Foxx, and it netted him a much-deserved Academy Award win for Best Actor.
Angela Bassett as Tina Turner – What’s Love Got To Do With It (1993)
Tina Turner is one of the greatest performers in music history, and Bassett not only nailed Turner’s on-stage presence, but she also got the moves down pat. Also, those arms?! This is easily one of the best biopic performances ever, regardless of genre.
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