Woman Scolds Other Passenger For Watching ‘Deadpool 2’ On Flight
Imagine just sitting on a plane minding your own business and all of a sudden a woman scolds you for watching “Dead pool 2”! That’s exactly what happened on a…

Planes for American Airlines at an airport
Scott Olson / Staff via Getty ImagesImagine just sitting on a plane minding your own business and all of a sudden a woman scolds you for watching "Dead pool 2"! That's exactly what happened on a flight according to an email The Mike & Carla Morning Show got this morning. You read this right, a woman actually yelled at a teenager for watching "Deadpool 2" on his laptop!
Minding his own business, a 19 year old passenger was watching "Deadpool 2", the movie, with his headphones on not bothering anyone. All of a sudden, a woman seated behind him started yelling at him. Saying that her son was traumatized by a certain violent scene and to turn it off!
Now keep in mind that the little kid was watching by scooting up in his seat and peeking through the seats to see the screen. So, who's fault is that? Could it have been handled maybe a little bit better?
A Woman Scolds A Man For Watching "Deadpool 2"?
What about the mother? Shouldn't she have paid attention to what her kid was doing? Maybe kept him busy with a tablet or his own laptop? All these questions came up this morning as this topic blew up the text and phone lines this morning.
A lot of listeners thought it was the responsibility of the mom to keep an eye on her son. To allow him to inch up on his seat and get a perfect view of the movie between the seats was on her.
However, Mike O'Brian admitted that's how he watches a lot of stuff on flights! LOL! Carla Rea simply thought of blind folding the kid...if he shouldn't be watching it, then guess what?
On the other hand, we come to find out that there are NO rules as to what you can watch on your own device when flying. Of course, there needs to be some kind of "moral" clause when thinking about watching something more of an "adult" nature on your laptop right?
Either way, it was quite the controversy on The M&C Morning Show. If you'd like to listen to the segment, hit PLAY below and enjoy!
One Thing You Don’t Do When Flying
With the holidays here and as we all start to travel to see family and friends, there is one thing you should never do while flying this holiday season...take off your shoes and socks! The Mike & Carla Morning Show brought this up this morning in "A Few Things We Think You Should Know" and boy did it hit home.
Think of all the times you have flown, when's the last time you decided to strip off the shoes and socks and decided to put this up as you stretch out? Having no qualms about who was sitting around you? Being that person that puts your bare feet up on the armrest in front of you for your comfort?
A recent article published by Readers Digest spots 10 tips of etiquette to keep in mind when flying this holiday season...and they seem to all make sense. The best part, they're all just common sense and, believe it or not, common courtesy.
Although it didn't make the Top 5, one that seems the most important is bringing "smelly foods" on board. This seems to be a trend now that airlines have curbed their food service on flights recently. From pizza to eggs...once you open that bag and start chowing down, it might not be apparent to you, but the whole flight can smell what you're eating! So you can imagine what it must be like for those people sitting right next to you!
One of the obvious "courtesy" tips offered is when the plane lands, disembark calmly and politely! Don't be that person near the back of the plane that once the wheels touch down, stand up, start getting your carry on luggage out from the bins because you're really not going anywhere. How many of us have seen that person...or worse yet, been that person? It never fails and even more frustrating when you are sitting by or behind that person.
Just a reminder, when flying this holiday season, be courteous, be smart and use a little common sense. To listen to the segment from this morning, hit "play" below or if you want to see what etiquette tips made the Top 5 from the article, then scroll down and enjoy!
Top 5 Etiquette Tips When Flying
You only have so much space on a plane...as well as everyone else, so make sure to be very conscientious of that when flying. This might be why this tip comes in at #5 on the list!

Sometimes on a flight, you can actually make a difference when it comes time to swap your seat so a family might be able to sit together...be flexible when this situation happens. Most of the time everyone wins. An important tip that comes in at #4!

Don't be shy about helping a fellow passenger when it comes to storing carry-on or anything else for that matter. Being nice on a flight makes the trip that much more enjoyable for everyone on the plane...glad this one came in at #3

Surprised that this wasn't #1 on the list because how you board and get situated on a plane sets the tone for the entire flight! And when we talk "pack courteously", it simply means, don't be that person with a carry-on, backpack, two bags full of stuff and a pillow to where you can't even make it down the aisle!

As we said before, the way you start out your flight sets the tone for the entire trip, so don't be that person that takes all the time in the world when going through security! Pay attention, focus and be aware there are other people behind you and around you trying to get to their gate just as well!!

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