A New Hack For Returning New Shoes
It’s something a lot of us have done, but now there is a new hack for those that want to return shoes after wearing them only once! It came up…

It's something a lot of us have done, but now there is a new hack for those that want to return shoes after wearing them only once! It came up on The Mike & Carla Morning Show and we were shocked (SHOCKED) to find out which one thought about doing this! He didn't actually go through with it, but it was "his" initial thought when buying the suit for a wedding!
Nonetheless, the "hack" explains using painters tape on the bottom of any shoes you plan to return after wearing them once! It's fairly easy to do and we were all quite surprised that this was considered a "new" hack on Tiktok!
You have to try this new hack!
However, when it came down to it, Carla Rea did admit that this is something that women do more than men. Especially when it comes to a dress or blouse. However, when it came to shoes, we're all pretty sure more women have done it more than men. With a dress, you just tuck in the tags, wear it, bag it, then return it!
But what else have you done this with. According to a couple of stories, Super Bowl weekend is a huge time for people buying tv's one day, then returning them the following Monday! Not very surprising though right? Have you actually done this before with other appliances, gadgets, or tools?
It seems pretty easy to do, but how daring are you when it gets right down to it? That's the one factor when doing this...the confidence level. When you head into the store to keep the ruse going. For the counter person to believe you, to buy what you are selling!
Well, it's quite the scam and the hack! Just listen below...and find out which one on The M&C Morning Show was the one that actually throught about doing it. Even more interesting is why it didn't happen....but enjoy!
Parents, Save More Money Shopping By Doing This
Here ya go parents, you can actually save more money shopping by doing this! Just a few tips to follow that can also make shopping relaxing and stress free! All you have to do is follow a few easy steps! All outlined on The Mike & Carla Morning Show this morning!
SWNS recently published results of a survey done with over two-thousand US parents. The study results showed that two in three parents found that going to the store with their kids ends up being more expensive than if they were to shop alone! On the flipside, going alone costs them an average of $133, while shopping with their kids cost them an average of $179!
Start by shopping alone!
Results of the poll also showed that going alone allowed parents to buy different items from different stores. A whopping sixty-Five percent of the two-thousand polled said this. While alone, forty-four percent of the parents look for groceries, forty-percent can look for beauty products, forty percent search electronics, and thirty-eight percent shop for clothes. All with no children with them!
If you do shop with kids...
Now, if you do decide to bring the kids, the survey percentages drop a lot! Thirty-five percent of parents surveyed claimed that it was a struggle having the kids along! This lead to bribery to behave. Forty-four percent of parents said they bride their kids to be good while shopping. Of that forty-four percent, only eighteen percent say it works. This is where the extra spending comes into play mostly. Bribed with snacks, toys, and candy.
So mom and dad, next time you think about going shopping for the kids, maybe you should just leave them at home. If for nothing else, it can save you money! We have more on this story in today's edition of a "Few Things You Should Know!"
7 Lessons Children Can Learn From Shopping With Parents
The Value of The Dollar
62% of those polled said their kids earn the value of a dollar while shopping with them.

Knowing The Difference of Necessary Items vs. Wanted Items
58% of the parents polled said having their kids with them allowed them to teach their kids the difference between necessary items and items it would be "nice to have!"

Learn Patience
Half of those polled (1,000) said that having their kids with them shopping teaches them patience...that's if you're not bribing them!

How To Find Deals When Shopping
50% of the parents also said it helps their kids learn how to look for deals.

Items Actually Needed
47% of the parents polled said having their kids with them helped them learn items that are needed in daily life.

How To Find Things In Stores
39% of parents said having their kids with them while shopping allows them to learn how to find items in stores.

How To Ask For Assistance
37% said that having their kids with them while shopping allows them to learn how to properly ask for assistance, when needed.

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