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The One Daredevil Stunt You Would Do

So, if money was no problem, you had no fear and you knew what to do, what’s that one “daredevil” stunt you would do? It’s an easy question and that’s…

Woman being a daredevil and parachuting
Mauricio Graiki via Getty Images

So, if money was no problem, you had no fear and you knew what to do, what's that one "daredevil" stunt you would do? It's an easy question and that's what popped up on The Mike & Carla Morning Show this morning. Needless to say, both Mike and Carla are no where close to being a "daredevil", so with that said, they each came up with a couple of great stunts to pull off!

Here's what were talking about...those things that you've always dreamed of doing, but you a lot more fear than confidence when it would come time to pull it off. Think of all the things that come to mind. Aside from the norm, parachuting, driving a car at a track like the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. or even running with the bulls in Spain.

C'mon, let's be a daredevil and do this!

Mike said he would love to do the the event in the Olympics. It's fast, don't have to do a lot and it would seem like something Mike would ever try in his life! On the other hand, Carla would love to have the confidence to be on a speedy boat! Like one of those Cigarette boats you see on Lake Mead every once in awhile. Just to go fast...the need for speed.

It also came up that both wouldn't mind having the confidence to jump off a cliff or a mountain top. Using one of those "flying" squirrel outfits on to glide down to earth. Sound pretty cool, but both were surprised how many listeners favor going into space. One guy would just love to live on the moon!

A lot of listeners chimed in on what they would like to try...and it all sounds good in theory. A salute to those like Tom Cruise, who continues to do his own stunts. That might be for some, but clearly no one on The M&C Morning Show!

Nevada Ranks In Top 5 Most Fun States; Who Is Number 1

The United States is filled with attractive sceneries and interactive exertions that create each state's individualism. Americans and international visitors flock yearly to seek landmarks for bucket list goals. Local amenities make all the difference when a state is attempting to charm visitors for a "fun" time. Amenities that states offer include restaurants, shopping, theme parks, movie theaters, concerts and shows that keep the city on it's toes.

When you think of a fun state which state comes to mind right away? Is it California for all of their theme parks including Disneyland, LEGOLand, Knotts Berry Farm and Six Flags Magic Mountain? Or Florida, for their glamourous beaches and party atmosphere? Or maybe, it's Arizona for the desert oasis landscapes and historical museums?

Nevertheless, let's find out which state really has the most fun while also being budget friendly.

Our friends at Wallethub, have conducted a survey to find out the states who are most fun in the U.S. The data they discovered covers 26 key metrics that examine how many options are available per capita.

A few of the key metrics consist of:

    For performing art theaters per capita, New York and California tied for the number one spot. Evidently, there was a 23 times difference from best to state to worst state for the amount of art theaters per capita. Mississippi was the worst state ranking at number 50.

    The state of Alaska took the number one spot for most access to national parks. Illinois took the last spot at number 50 for the worst accessibility.

    The state that has the number one spot for "State & Local Expenditures on Parks & Recreation per Capita"? Nevada! Though, we are tied with three other states including Colorado, North Dakota and Wyoming. Connecticut took last place (50) in this category.

    States with a higher score too 100 are most fun compared to lower scores closer to one which are seen as least fun.

    You can see further details on their  survey here. Let's see which states are the MOST FUN overall: See below!

    7) Texas

    Overall Score: 52.16

    TexasKruck20 via Getty Images

    6) Colorado

    Overall Score: 52.43

    ColoradoSean Pavone via Getty Images

    5) Illinois

    Overall Score: 53.42

    IllinoisJacob Boomsma via Getty Images

    4) New York

    Overall Score: 56.44

    New YorkStockByM via Getty Images

    3) Nevada

    Overall Score: 58.19

    NevadaWirestock via Getty Images

    2) Florida

    Overall Score: 61.72

    FloridaVito Palmisano via Getty Images

    1) California

    Overall Score: 64.56

    Californiabpperry via Getty Images

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    Mike O’Brian is the Program Director and Morning Show host on 96.3 KKLZ in Las Vegas, along with Carla Rea. He has been with the Beasley Media Group for almost 23 years. Mike was named one of the “Best Program Directors In America” by Radio Ink magazine. Over the years, “The Mike & Carla Morning Show” have been presented with a number of proclamations for their work in the community and numerous awards. Having lived in Las Vegas for over 35 years, he writes articles on living in Las Vegas, sports, and odd stories happening within the state of Nevada. Mike is the host of the morning show and program director of 96.3 KKLZ/Las Vegas. He has been doing mornings in Las Vegas for the past 38 years. Over the years, he has hosted a numerous amount of community events and has been the P.A. announcer for a number of sports teams in Las Vegas. He has written on living in Las Vegas, the sports teams here, as well as odd & little-known facts about Las Vegas & Nevada.