Are the day's of text messages coming to an end? For Gen Z's it may be! Gen Z's are now not using traditional text messages. Instead they're using voice texts!
Why you ask? They say that texting can sometimes now who expression or feeling as well as a voice text. Now don't confuse this for voice-to-text. That little microphone icon in your messaging app...they press that and record what they want to say. Then is shows up in the chat window as an audio message. They're saying tone is a big deal and you can't give that in a traditional text message.
Now this isn't something new. The option to do this has been available for over a decade, but as of late, Gen Z's have made it their favorite way to communicate!
A study done by Vox shows that the pandemic accelerated the use of voice texting!
If you're wondering why they don't just call? Isn't that the same thing? Isn't that what a phone is for? Well, Gen Z's apparently hate talking on the phone. So they've taken to voice texting as their preferred method of communications!
We have more on this story and more in today's edition of a Few Things You Should Know!
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New App Let’s You Chat With Jesus, Hitler And Others
Yes, you can actually chat with people like Jesus or Hitler. The app is called Historical Figures. It allows you to chat with historical figures and people are using it to chat with people like Jesus, Princess Diana and Freddie Mercury.
The app is under fire because they're allowing people to even have the option to chat with people like Hitler.
The app is free to download and became available on Apple's App Store at the beginning of January. With the app, you are able to chat with famous deceased people who have made a significant impact on history.
Like all apps for your phone or devices, some things are free and other parts of it are not. Obviously Jesus and Hitler are big ones people want to chat with and it's not free. When you sign up for the app, you're given seventy-five credits to start with. Figures like Jesus and Hitler cost five-hundred credits to chat with! So you're gonna need to shell out money to chat with the more popular figures on it.
There are over twenty-thousand "virtual personalities" to choose from, including music artists like Jim Morrison, Judy Garland, and more.
Schools are using it for educational purposes but that has fired back because of the opportunity to chat with dictators like Hitler, which isn't appropriate for schools.
The app was created by a man named Sidhant Chadda. Chadda mentioned that the app is still being worked on to make it more friendly and accurate.
While the app has had some major criticism, people like me are using it for fun. I've asked Jim Morrison and Judy Garland questions and the responses are fun!
We have more on this story and other stories in today's edition of a Few More Things You Should Know!
My Chat With Judy Garland
She was my first chat so I had to ask her the obvious question right off the bat!

My Chat With Jim Morrison
I had to chat with music icons and Jim Morrison was someone I was introduced to by my dad as a young child, so of course I had to chat it up with Jim!

My Chat With Richard Nixon

I just asked him the obvious question and got out!
Chatting It Up With The Notorious B.I.G.
Biggie wasn't much in the mood to chat apparently, but I asked him why he didn't have a pic. With chats these days, you never know who is behind the keyboard!

A Little Chat With One Of The Greatest...Freddie Mercury
This is one I couldn't pass on!