Joseph Moulton of Naples, Florida was arrested this past Saturday for doing a string of unthinkable things in the police headquarters!
Moulton hopped over a fence and hid behind bushes, waiting for the all clear. He entered the building, showered, put on a police uniform, pooped on the floor of the women's restroom, and even stole a police radio! All of this happened and no one realized it was happening!
He was eventually arrested because he left his wallet in the cop car he hid in before entering the building!
He was so drunk, that he didn't remember a thing! He's been charged with burglary and grand theft!
We have more on this story and more weird and wacky stories in today's Other News!
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Cops Will Be Cracking Down On Distracted Drivers
Do you consider yourself one of the many distracted drivers in the Las Vegas Valley? Do you text, or read texts, while driving or sitting at a traffic signal? Do you eat while driving? Does your pet run around your vehicle while you are driving? Do you check your smart phone for directions or maps while you are operating your vehicle? I have been guilty of all of these bad habits at one time or another, although I try and refrain from doing any of them. I'm not always successful.
But now, I'll have to cut out these bad driving habits because Nevada law enforcement officers will be citing distracted drivers. Sure, those distracted driving laws went into effect back in 2012, but it feels like no one pays attention to those rules and laws anymore. I know I have followed distracted drivers on our freeways recently. I can see them swerving all over the road. They drive slower than the rest of the traffic around them. And when you're behind a distracted driver, you can actually see their eyes looking down at their phones in their rear view mirror.
According to an article written by Justin Walker on 8NewsNow.com, the Las Vegas Metro Police Department issued a written news release on Tuesday, April 11th, that they will be increasing their efforts to cite distracted drivers. If you continue to operate your vehicle while you are using an electronic hand-held device like your smart phone, you may be the next distracted driver to receive a ticket.
Per Walker's article, here are some good safety tips to adhere to while you are operating your vehicle, courtesy of the Governors Highway Safety Association. Just don't try to look at the tips below while you're driving!
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Larry Martino is the long-time Afternoon Drive personality on 96.3 KKLZ. The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of Larry Martino and not necessarily those of Beasley Media Group, LLC.
Power Off Your Phone

Are you just too tempted to check your phone for messages from friends, relatives, and business acquaintances while driving? Then power off your phone before you get behind the wheel. Better yet, set up the message on your phone to alert those who contact you while you are driving that you will get back to them after you arrive at your destination. If you don't want to power it off, put our phone in your pocket or somewhere in the car where you cannot reach it.
Do Not Text While Driving

This is something we have all heard, yet so many people still do it. Do not text while driving. It is amazing what can happen in that one second where you look down or over at your phone to text or read a text when you are in Las Vegas traffic. Same goes here for making sure the message is set up on your phone to alert your friends that you'll get back to them after you arrive at your destination.
Secure Your Pets In The Vehicle

I have seen drivers with their little dogs in their laps while they drive along Las Vegas streets and freeways. I know you love your dog, but if get into an accident with your pet in your lap, you will probably crush the poor thing. Besides that, when you're paying attention to your pet, you're not paying attention to what is going on around you in traffic. Secure your pet safely before you begin driving.
Review Directions Before You Drive

When you want to go to a destination you have never been to before, or that you have not been to in a long time, it is best to review all directions and maps you will need before you get behind the wheel. If you really need to re-check this information while you are on your way, then pull over and park in a safe location to check your GPS or map.
Pull Over And Park To Deal With Your Children

If you are driving with children in the car and they become a distraction, pull over and park in a safe place to deal with the problem. Don't do what my parents used to do back in the day. They used to turn around and yell at me while they were driving. Heck, we weren't even wearing seat belts back then!
Do Not Eat While Driving

We are all in a hurry nowadays. We are all pressed for time. When you are rushing to or from work, to or from home, or to or from your next appointment, it is tempting to grab some fast food and eat while you are driving. Have you ever driven with your knees while eating and driving? If you have to eat in your vehicle, pull over and park in a safe location in order to do so. Bon appetit!