One Question You Should Never Ask A Woman
When it comes to what you can or can’t get away with when talking to a woman, clearly one question you should never ask! The Mike & Carla Morning Show…

Cheerful young woman using cotton pad while looking in mirror. Happy smiling beautiful girl cleaning skin with cotton pad. Beauty natural woman looking in mirror while cleansing skin face and using cosmetic products for properly deep clean.
Ridofranz via Getty ImagesWhen it comes to what you can or can't get away with when talking to a woman, clearly one question you should never ask! The Mike & Carla Morning Show brought up an email from a guy who wanted to know if he's one questions was offensive. After talking to this woman a couple of times, he simply asked if she would send him a picture of herself without makeup.
Upon hearing this, she quickly cutoff the conversation! She told the guy that is one question you never ask a woman. So, The M&C Morning Show wanted to know if that were true. Just when you though you were getting to know someone and BAM! The guy explained he was not trying to be rude, saying that she was gorgeous and just wanted to see the "natural" her.
Clearly that wasn't going to happen with this young lady. So, we wanted to know what listeners thought. More so the ladies that were listening, would they take offense to a question like that.
Come to find out that the answer what NO! Most of the women agreed that it was fine and they would be more than willing to offer up a picture makeup free. In fact, most of those chiming in said that maybe she had a "confidence" issue. She just wasn't prepared to take that next step. Now keep in mind, he wasn't asking for anything more than a picture of her face with no makeup.
Mike O'Brian had brought up Alicia Keyes who was a named celebrity embracing the "natural" look. And that most women felt a lot better not hiding behind filters or makeup. Well, as much as we talked about it this morning, seems like more women were siding with him.
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The Best Cities To Meet Someone; Las Vegas Ranks Or Tanks
The best cities to meet someone. Las Vegas places on the list for dating.
Love is a sacred thing that we hope all get to experience at some point in their life. From a young age we witness and learn about love from our elders. We have seen love in different forms and the adventures that it can take people on. As we grow older we learn that love is important and that it's hard to survive without it. The world seems more bleak without a little flare of love.
Finding ones true love is for the fairytales. Or is not? We have seen or heard of the Disney movies that show happily ever afters and to tell you the truth it's possible to find that in real life.
What is "that" though? That is a relationship where you mesh easy with someone based on their personality, looks and overall connection. Dating apps have made it easier in the twenty-first century in finding our other half. So that we think. There are apps like Tinder and Bumble that generally show you photos of singles that are in your local area. The tiring "swipe right" only does so well until you run out of potentials in your area.
Best cities to meet someone!
Our friends at Shane Co, conducted a survey on the best places in the U.S. for a Meet-Cute. What is a meet-cute? states, "In a movie, a meet-cute is a scene where two people who have a romantic future together interact with each other for the first time, usually under quirky or unusual circumstances." So if you're out and about look around as your other half could be a lot closer than you think.
Below you will find some of the best cities to meet someone in. Surprisingly, even with Las Vegas growing over 2 million residents and with an influx of tourists on the daily a shot of love still exists.
The data was concluded off of 14 factors in relation to meeting someone unexpectedly. The analysis sought categories like:
You can see the full survey here.
10. Las Vegas, Nevada

5. Toledo, Ohio

4. Durham, North Carolina

3. Greensboro, North Carolina

2. Dayton, Ohio

1. Akron, Ohio