Kate Hudson Admits to Best ‘On Screen’ Kisser
In an interview in a recent interview, actress Kate Hudson admits to her best “on screen” kisser! So, given that fact, The Mike & Carla Morning Show wanted to know…

In an interview in a recent interview, actress Kate Hudson admits to her best "on screen" kisser! So, given that fact, The Mike & Carla Morning Show wanted to know who your "best" kiss was with! With all due respect to who you are with now, we just wanted to find out, in your life, who was the one person that you thought laid down the best kiss?
So, back to Kate Hudson...who did she say was her best on screen kiss with? Uh, that would be Liv Tyler! Considering all the leading men she has starred in movies with, she stated, "Like, she has the softest lips of them all..." Shocker right? Or maybe not...but good for Kate!
On The M&C Morning Show, Carla Rea could not remember the guys name, but it started with a "T"...Morty said he had not had his "best" kiss ever and Mike O'Brian just knew his wife would say it wasn't with him.
But that is what we wanted to know this morning...and you did not have to give your name or the "kisser's" name. The text lines blew up with listeners volunteering information on who their "best" kiss. Although a few said it was their "first" kiss that stay with them, which we all found weird since it's your first, you do not really know what you are doing. But with that said, others professed it was with people from their past that are no longer apart of their lives.
Maybe, just maybe, that's why they remember it as the "best"! The "what could have been" factor lends itself to the mystery and that might be why it sticks with them as the "best" So think about it yourself, who was your "best" when it came to that KISS? Listen to the segment and enjoy!
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