Cutting-Edge ‘Hybrid’ Hotel Planned For Downtown Las Vegas
A cutting-edge “hybrid” hotel is being planned for construction in the downtown Las Vegas Arts District. According to an article by Jaclyn Schultz on, this type of hotel will cater to a…

A cutting-edge "hybrid" hotel is being planned for construction in the downtown Las Vegas Arts District.
According to an article by Jaclyn Schultz on, this type of hotel will cater to a "mix of traditional tourists, travelers on work assignments, and locals who want to live in the budding Las Vegas city center."
The project was recently approved by the City of Las Vegas for construction at 900 South Main Street. Developers say that the building will house approximately 240 rooms on six floors. The types of rooms available to customers is what makes this hotel part of the "hybrid" concept. There will be traditional hotel rooms, some with kitchenettes, small studio apartments, plus "hostel-style options for travelers on temporary assignments." The building will also have a restaurant and laundry area.
Per Schultz's web post, a company called ZLife is spearheading this effort. They recently assisted in bringing the Todd English Hotel to the Arts District. They have teamed up with another company named Selina, "which manages hostel-style living and co-working spaces in cities such as New York, Chicago, Miami and Washington D.C."
The article goes on to cite architect Edward Vance as the person who will oversee design and construction of the Las Vegas Arts District "hybrid" hotel. Vance states construction on this project could be completed within 18 months, and it will be built with "environmental sustainability" and "energy efficiency" in mind.
According to Vance, we Las Vegans will be seeing more and more of these "alternative housing" types of projects being built in or near the Arts District as that area continues to "evolve and mature."
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Larry Martino is the long-time Afternoon Drive personality on 96.3 KKLZ. The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of Larry Martino and not necessarily those of Beasley Media Group, LLC.
Items You Can NOT Take From Your Hotel Room
If you're traveling anytime soon, some of the things you should NOT take from your hotel room since it's considered "stealing"! Although a lot of us think we can take anything and everything, hotel have drawn the line on items that we took for granted!
The Mike & Carla Morning Show made it a point to bring up an article in Reader's Digest that talked about those items you can and can't take. C'mon, let's be honest, we've all stuffed just about everything from the hotel bathroom in our suitcase...from shampoos to towels...but guess what? These items as well might be off limits moving forward depending on the hotel you stay in.
If you think about it, what is the one thing you've taken from your room over the years? Bars of soap, shoe polish, sewing kits, maybe a pair of slippers? Heck, most people will bring an extra bag just for the stuff in the room. Well, The Mike & Carla Morning Show brought this up and the guilt complex started to set in.
Now when you talk about "stolen" items, believe it or not, robes is not the number one item...I know, shocking right? Now there are a few thing you actually can take with out feeling guilty like the shampoo, soap as we had mentioned earlier. You can also take the pen and paper with letterhead on it that's in the hotel desk...but you can't take the entire desk itself!
Anything you get as labeled "complimentary" you can also feel free to pack away in your luggage as you leave...but that's about it right now. I know, a lot of us assume everything is up for grabs when we check in, but believe it or not, hotels are cracking down!
It's all in this morning's segment of "A Few Things We Think You Should Know"...but if you want to find out the Top 3 things you can NOT take, and we have no doubt #1 will SHOCK (shock) you, just scroll down and enjoy!
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Natalia Shishkova via Getty Images
Although a lot of people might think these are "complimentary", they're NOT! Putting them at #3 on the list!

DoroO via Getty Images
Again, not something you can just take from the room...but clearly more and more guests are! Maybe that's why it comes in at #2?

Saowaluck Voraprukpisut via Getty Images
Here's the one question...WHY? Why would you want to take the sheets and linens from a hotel room? We've all heard the stories, but needless to say, it tops the list of items that hotel guests steal the most!