Spain Wants Women To Feel Free To Do This At The Beach
If you have plans to head off to Spain soon and heading to the beaches, ladies be prepared! The Mike & Carla Morning Show found out that officials in Spain…

If you have plans to head off to Spain soon and heading to the beaches, ladies be prepared! The Mike & Carla Morning Show found out that officials in Spain would like women to go "topless" at the beach or poolside in hopes of fighting discrimination!
Not sure how most women feel about this or if it's one way to fight discrimination, but in Spain they giving it a shot and hoping for positive results. Keep in mind that this is happening in Catalonia, Spain where this movement has started and the city has put together an entire ad campaign to help with the message!
Claiming there is a "double" standard between genders when it comes to being outdoors at the beach or pool, the city of Catalonia is hoping that with video ads and billboards, they can put an end to the discrimination and live life in perfect harmony under the sun.
Now keep in mind that there are over 25 nude beaches in Spain and 14 in Barcelona, Spain not quite sure if you're gonna get much resistance to this movement in other parts of the county! However, different story in the U. S., where we only have just over a dozen beaches up and down each of our two coasts, not including the beaches in Texas and Hawaii!
There are definitely place in the U.S. you can go au natural if you choose to do so, just check the local laws in those areas to make sure you're clear to go!
Plus, M&C talked about what is NOT FREE anymore and that 62% of parents sharing more time with their pre-teens getting to know more about their hobbies and vice versa! See, we can all get along...all that and much more in this edition of "A Few Things We Think You Should Know!"
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6 Classic Summer Cocktails Everyone Should Know How to Make
Summer is almost in full swing! With holidays like Memorial Day just days away, now felt like an appropriate time to make sure your summer cocktail game is up to snuff.
Whether you find yourself road tripping in an RV, heading to a cabin or hosting a BBQ in your backyard, you should know how to make these six classic summer cocktails.


Pina Colada

Mai Tai

