Fleetwood Mac Skateboarder “Dreams” Come True
He was the talk of the Tik Tok town just a few months back. Nathan Apodaca made social media fame just by posting a video on the popular platform. All…

He was the talk of the Tik Tok town just a few months back. Nathan Apodaca made social media fame just by posting a video on the popular platform. All he was doing was riding a skateboard and drinking Ocean Spray cranberry juice, with Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams" playing in the background.
That video started a trend of others following suit, including Mick Fleetwood. Ocean Spray took notice and sent Apodaca a new truck. They've also recently paid for Apodaca and his fiance to go on a honeymoon.
But that's not the best part. Fans on Tik Tok saw that Apodaca was living in an RV. The donations started pouring in, and Apodaca just bought a 5 bedroom house in Idaho for his family. He paid $320,000 cash for it from those donations.