4 Christmas Ornaments That Perfectly Encapsulate 2020
Many people like to add new ornaments to their Christmas tree that help represent the year, but with a year like 2020, what should you do? Honor this horrendous year…

Many people like to add new ornaments to their Christmas tree that help represent the year, but with a year like 2020, what should you do? Honor this horrendous year with some of its most prominent symbols. Here are just four Christmas ornaments to consider.
COVID-19 Germ
I mean, this one is obvious, because how could you not?
Sourdough Bread
Is anyone's sourdough starters still in good shape?
?tag=flexpress-no-tag-20&asc_source=browser&asc_refurl=https%3A%2F%2Fprodnew.963kklz.com%2F2020%2F11%2F30%2Fchristmas-ornaments-2020%2FToilet Paper
It's difficult to think of 2020 and not immediately remember the hoarding of T.P.
?tag=flexpress-no-tag-20&asc_source=browser&asc_refurl=https%3A%2F%2Fprodnew.963kklz.com%2F2020%2F11%2F30%2Fchristmas-ornaments-2020%2FHand Sanitizer
While hand sanitizer is more readily available now, there was a time where it was more scarce than toilet paper.