Man Buried In A Snickers Wrapped Casket
If you could be buried in a casket wrapped with your favorite candy bar, what would it be? Why do we ask? Well, a man was buried in a “Snickers”…

Man buried in a Snickers Casket.
shironosov via Getty ImagesIf you could be buried in a casket wrapped with your favorite candy bar, what would it be? Why do we ask? Well, a man was buried in a "Snickers" wrapped casket the other day.
The Mike & Carla Morning Show talked about this story the other day and it hit home for a lot of listeners. Channel 19 News reporting on the story back east about a guy who loved Snickers. Love the candy bar so much, he requested his casket be wrapped like the candy bar.
According to the report, Paul Broome, from England, was just that guy, a huge sense of humor who loved his favorite candy bar. So much so that it made it a point to put in his will that the wrapping be done on his casket.
What Candy Would Your Casket Be Wrapped With
He also had placed on the wrapping, "I'm nuts!" just to prove he was that guy! As The M&C Morning Show talked about it, what a perfect way to show your family and friends that you had a great life and even at the end, a great sense of humor!
Both Mike O'Brian and Carla Rea talked about their candy bars they would want to be wrapped in...for Mike, it was "Snickers". His favorite candy since he was a kid. For Carla, it was a bit different...being Italian, it went from a "connoli" to "3 Musketeers".
Others called in and texted in with their preference and it was great! Some even went further saying a tube of Necco Wafers How about about old school.
Another said they would like their casket wrapped like a "pound cake"! Very unique! Reese's Cup, Payday and many more. It was all in good fun, not sure of the expense, but it's something to think about right?
Hey, why not have the last laugh...and you can extend this to all sorts of things! Album covers, tickets to concerts...this idea is endless!
But listen to the segment and come up with your own idea!