Group Therapy: Settle Down Party Animal Neighbors
What do you do? Well, in another session of Group Therapy, it was an email from a woman saying to settle down party animal neighbors! The Mike & Carla Morning…

The morning after a huge party at the next door neighbors.
g-stockstudio via Getty ImagesWhat do you do? Well, in another session of Group Therapy, it was an email from a woman saying to settle down party animal neighbors! The Mike & Carla Morning Show trying to help this woman out this morning.
The email stated that there was a party happening next door. It was going on until one or two in the morning. So, the woman called 911 to have the police stop by and settle things down.
With the cops stopping by, the neighbors were given a citation and asked to appear in court. The next couple of days, the neighbor from next door came over and started yelling the woman for calling 911. And now they have to go to court, calling the woman a "snitch"!
Hey, Settle Down Party Animal Neighbors
Come to find out that it was the sixteen year old daughter throwing the party and the parents weren't even home! So, given the situation, what would you do? The woman who called 911 seemed to get a lot of support this morning.
However, some listeners suggested calling 3-1-1 in this situation. But a lot of listeners found that the one woman who emailed into the show was in the right. Especially when she found out that the parents weren't even there!
The more and more we talked about it, some listeners thought it was a little scary going to a neighbors house to complain. You just don't know what you're going to get. We understand that...but Mike O'Brian had done just that one time.
Mike noticed a car parked on the street, but the front wheel closest to the curb ended up on his property. So Mike went across the street, politely asked the person to pull the car off his property and the neighbor complied apologizing profusely.
Carla Rea, on the other hand, probably not as brave...but home&texture gives you some tips on how to handle this type of situation. One suggestion, talk...followed by being proactive!
Check out the article if you're dealing with this in your neighborhood. And listen to the segment from this morning and see if that helps...and enjoy!
Turns Out Las Vegas Is Not A ‘Neighborly’ City
After living here for a long time, most people will not be surprised by the fact that Las Vegas is not a very "neighborly" city! You're shocked (SHOCKED) right? Not so much! It seems that most people like their privacy and/or we are all very skeptical of people being nice.
But according to a recent article by CISION featuring the "Most Neighborly Cites In America", sad to say that Las Vegas did not even make the Top 10. Surprised? Not at all, but a little disappointed. Las Vegas is a great city on many levels. Not to say that we don't have our share of "friendly" areas in our city.
Face it, Las Vegas is just not "neighborly"
On the other hand, not going to lie to you, we all know we have our "issues" like any other growing city. But it seems that a majority of people who live here are from somewhere else. Me being one of them, however, I like getting to know my neighbors. Who lives next to me, across the street from me.
In fact, up until a few years ago, we would have a block party every 4th of July. Live music, a lot of food and fireworks. But with people moving in and out, short term rentals, that has all changed. I still wave "hi" when I see a neighbor, but can I say I actually know them...not so much!
I can say that I have had the same neighbor for close to 20 years and we still talk, get along. And there are a few people down the street that we know, not by name, but a "wave" from them is just as nice.
But what makes a city "neighborly"? According to the article mentioned above, it's simply knowing your the people on your block. It also includes getting their mail when their out of town. Helping out with yard work, or even sharing a family recipe for an upcoming get together.
One other factor, is getting to know those around you on a first name basis. And what makes a great neighborhood...stability! Those that stay in where they are long term. Where people actually get to know it other. The kids playing together...and sad to day, we just don't have a lot of that in Las Vegas.
Now there might be one reason we didn't make the Top 10 list...Las Vegas is a 24 hour town. Not only to have fun, but when it comes to working in Las Vegas. Many parents don't have that typical "9-5" job which makes it a little difficult to get to know each other.
Listen, we all love Las Vegas, okay most of us, and all that it has to offer. But let's be honest, it's tough to meet people in this town...unless we take that first step! So here ya go...scroll down to see what cities made the Top 5.
The Top 5 "Most Neighborly Cities In America"
Never been, but it must be nice...they say that the city of Rochester has fine dining, yearly festivals and more. So clearly people love it there. Hey, it's nice enough to end up at #5 on the list of Most Neighborly Cities in America

Some will tell you it's the no state tax, the beaches and the fact that most people are retired there. But it seems that Sarasota, Florida is nice enough to be #4 on the list of "Most Neighborly Cities in America"!

Map view of Florida on a geographical globe.
All I really know about this city is that a lot of pamphlets were printed here for the longest time. But I do have a good friend from Colorado Springs, so with that said, there has to be good reason that this city comes in at #3 on the list!

A pin map of Colorado Springs, Colorado
There has to be something here that we don't know. They have sports, fine dining and a lot more...but it gets cold there in the winter. There has to be more to Minneapolis that we realize since it comes in at #2 on the list!

Here ya go...the #1 Most Neighborly City in America: MADISON, WISCONSIN! It's a huge college town, friendly, lots to do and clearly everyone gets along! Congrats to you Madison!

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