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Why Sheryl Crow’s New Single Freaks Me Out

Sheryl Crow just dropped a new single. And frankly, it doesn’t give me any of the good feels. Don’t get me wrong, the song is awesome. Duh, it’s Sheryl Crow….

Singer songwriter Sheryl Crow holds an acoustic guitar and sings into a microphone on stage. She is wearing a black vest and black pants and her blonde hair is straight and worn down.

Sheryl Crow

Ethan Miller / Staff via Getty Images

Sheryl Crow just dropped a new single. And frankly, it doesn't give me any of the good feels. Don't get me wrong, the song is awesome. Duh, it's Sheryl Crow. She's an amazing singer and songwriter. There's nothing wrong with the production quality of this single. Her lyrics are on point. The instrumentation is great. There's an amazing guitar solo by Rage Against The Machine's Tom Morello. I have no complaints about any of that.

It's the subject matter of Crow's new single that freaks me out. Evolution shines a spotlight on artificial intelligence and the negative effects it could have on humankind.

Yes, A.I. has been amazing in helping the human race progress. In the advancement of renewable energy generation and medical science, to name a few areas of success. But in her new single, Sheryl Crow addresses the presence of A.I. in places like music. Places that, in my opinion, it shouldn't be. Music, or art, or anything that is meant to be an expression of the human heart and soul. Because A.I. has neither.

And from her lyrics in Evolution, it seems Crow has concerns as well. The line "Is it beyond intelligence, as if the soul need not exist" ( is a haunting invitation for listeners to think. To ask ourselves where the limit should be when it comes to what we let A.I. accomplish. Where do we draw the line between advancement of the human race and making humankind obsolete?

What I love about this song is that Crow opens it with a personal commentary on how A.I. affects her as a musician. She speaks of hearing what sounds like herself on the radio. But knowing it's not her. The implication is that it's an A.I. version of her. And not one she welcomes.

Yes, artificial intelligence can do amazing things beyond the intellectual capacity of humans.

That's why it's called artificial INTELLIGENCE. But using this technology to replicate things powered by human emotion... does nothing more than take the most essential element out of it. The humanity. The very thing that connects us and makes us feel less alone in this world.

Crow says it best in this line: "No matter how well you can outdo me, There is one thing you will never do and it’s feel" ( Maybe it's these lyrics combined with the ethereal quality of the instrumentation. But something about this song puts me in a place where I'm looking back at the human race, or what's left of it. Full of sorrow and regret. Maybe forcing that image was Crow's intention all along.

One thing I do know is that I agree with Crow on where we will find the solutions for what's most deeply plaguing our world. And it's not in artificial intelligence. It's deep in the heart of humankind.

Your Favorite Songs Might Reduce Pain

I'm not a doctor, but according to a recent report, just listening to your favorite songs might reduce pain! How cool would this be if indeed it's true? A report from Fox News says a recent study might suggest that the music you love could ease the aches and pains. Now The Mike & Carla Morning Show have thought this for a long time!

According to the report, researchers applied heat to the arms of those involved in the study. Nothing drastic, maybe comparable to a hot cup of coffee being held to your arm. Each volunteer was able to listen to music. Those that listened to the music they favored reported less pain from the heat. Ta-da! So there ya go! The study was done at McGill University in Montreal. Each piece of music lasted about seven minutes or so.

Just sit back, relax and listen to your favorite songs!

So, in essence, if you are feeling some aches and pains, we can only guess that listening to music might actually help! Especially that of which you like the most...and upbeat and happy type music. Music that just naturally makes you feel we play on 96.3 KKLZ!

There ya go...just keep KKLZ on all day, all night and feel better! If you think about it, it does make sense. Songs that we love that tend to be upbeat and happy, generally put us in a better mood. The key to making us all feel a bit better throughout the day.

If anything, give it a try right? What do you have to lose? Pick out a few songs that you love. Those songs that put you in a better mood when you listen to them. See for yourself if this theory doesn't work.

The study get a little more scientific in details, but if it works...that's great! Below are a few of my favorite songs that make me feel good...see if they work for you and good luck!

Songs That Might Ease The Pain

Uptown Funk

Right off the bat...anything from Bruno Mars can make ya feel good. But you have to admit, "Uptown Funk" will get you dancing and singing along!

Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go

How can you NOT love this song to put you in a happy mood! The singing and cheesy dance's has to put you in a good mood!

Walking On Sunshine

This big hit from the 80s put everyone into a great mood! Doesn't even matter what the weather was like, "Walking On Sunshine" just made everyone feel that much better!

Never Gonna Give You Up

The dance moves alone will put you in a good mood. Watch it again and tell us if you don't agree. It's just a great song to listen to if you're down in the dumps and need a song to pick you up!


This early 80s hit song put us all in a good mood that summer and stays with us to this day. Talk about a song from The Go-Go's that has stood the test of time...this would have to be one of the all-time best summer songs!

Girls Just Want To Have Fun

The theme song anytime a bunch of girls got together back in the 80s or since then. This song from Cyndi Lauper will definitely put you and anyone else in a good mood!

Don't Worry Be Happy

And last, but not least, the song that says it all. From Bobby McFerrin, "Don't Worry, Be Happy"! Sing it, whistle it or just listen to it and it does the trick!

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Wendy Rush is the midday host on one of Vegas's top stations, 96.3 KKLZ. She has been with the station for ten years and comes with a diverse career background. In addition to being a radio host, Wendy has lived the Vegas life as an entertainer. She has been a celebrity impersonator, rock band singer, and improv comedian. As a content creator for 96.3 KKLZ, Wendy writes about music, celebrities, mental health and wellness, and life as a Las Vegas local.