
What’s Your Favorite Food To Grill? Perfect Grilling Weather In Las Vegas

The cooler temperatures in Las Vegas always entice me to grill meals more often. In general, it’s way too hot in Southern Nevada most of the summer to slave for…

Photo of some favorite grilling foods on a wooden cutting board. Items include hamburger, sirloin steak, fresh cut salmon, a chicken leg and thigh, and sausage links. A red pepper and a black pepper are placed near the bottom of the cutting board as well as two shallots. There are also sprigs of three different herbs placed strategically between the cuts of meat.

Photo of some favorite grilling foods on a wooden cutting board. Items include hamburger, sirloin steak, fresh cut salmon, a chicken leg and thigh, and sausage links. A red pepper and a black pepper are placed near the bottom of the cutting board as well as two shallots. There are also sprigs of three different herbs placed strategically between the cuts of meat.

karandaev via Getty Images

The cooler temperatures in Las Vegas always entice me to grill meals more often. In general, it’s way too hot in Southern Nevada most of the summer to slave for any length of time over a hot grill. Oh sure, I do it anyway, but it feels more like work. But this time of year really makes me want to get my favorite grilling foods out of the fridge.

My Favorite Food To Grill: Tri-Tip         

Since I was brought up back east, I had never heard of tri-tip. That was, until I got a radio job in Bakersfield, California in the mid-to-late 1980’s. That’s when I was introduced to this fantastic, and versatile, cut of beef.

My favorite way to serve tri-tip is to marinate it for two-to-three days. Subsequently, it always turns out nice and tender, juicy, and tasty. Of course, that’s as long as I don’t burn it. Yes, that’s happened after one too many cold ones.

Anyway, I have experimented with my marinade recipe over the years. I finally have it where I want it, and it gets rave reviews every time I grill some. If you’d like my tri-tip marinade and grilling recipe, just click here.

America’s Favorite Grilling Foods

So now I’ve told you my favorite grilling food. What’s yours? I found an article on which shows us what many Americans are choosing to throw on the grill. The This Old House Reviews Team studied search statistics for the nation, and each state. Basically, what they’re seeing is that Americans are choosing to grill a larger variety of foods. Additionally, U.S. grillers may be looking to grill healthier foods too. Specifically, there have been high search volumes for grilling instructions for items like salmon, asparagus, and zucchini.

Although this may be true, grilling hot dogs is still the number one favorite grilling food by search volume. Furthermore, by region, New Englanders tend to search grilling instructions for a variety of seafoods. Moreover, Midwesterners are learning to grill veggies. The article on also shows that Southerners are showing the most variety in their favorite grilling foods searches.

Nevada’s Favorite Grilling Food

Overall, the This Old House Reviews Team found that eight states, including Nevada, have the most searches for grilling salmon. Concurrently, eight other states have the most searches for grilling ribs. They both sound delicious to me, so fire up that grill!

Larry Martino is the long-time afternoon drive personality on 96.3 KKLZ. The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of Larry Martino and not necessarily those of Beasley Media Group, LLC.

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Larry Martino has been the afternoon drive personality on 96.3 KKLZ since 2007. He is also Music Director and Assistant Program Director. He’s been a professional radio broadcaster since 1980, serving as on-air talent, Program Director, and Music Director during his career. As a content creator for 96.3 KKLZ, Larry specializes in writing articles about music, recording artists, movies, food/restaurants, and hockey.