
Unclaimed Property Day: Claim Your Money

Unclaimed Property Day: Are You Owed Money by Nevada? Wednesday, Feb. 1, is Unclaimed Property Day in Nevada! Do you remember that time you got a check you never cashed?…

Unclaimed Property: Cash
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Unclaimed Property Day: Are You Owed Money by Nevada?

Wednesday, Feb. 1, is Unclaimed Property Day in Nevada! Do you remember that time you got a check you never cashed? Or the time when the money from your utility deposit wasn’t sent back to you? If so, then this is your lucky day! The Nevada State Treasurer’s Office is urging residents to check whether they are owed money. This could be anything from a forgotten refund or rebate, to an uncashed check and what’s more, the whole process is free!

What Is Unclaimed Property?

Unclaimed property consists of things like bank accounts, uncashed payroll checks, insurance checks, traveler’s checks, utility deposits, gift certificates, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, dividends, insurance policy benefits or claim payments. It can also include items discovered in safe deposit boxes and oil and gas royalties. Even court deposits in some cases. In total, the state of Nevada is currently holding over $1 billion in unclaimed property that could be yours!

How Can I Check if I'm Owed Money?

The best way to find out if any of this money belongs to you is by visiting the website for Nevada's Unclaimed Property Division. All you have to do is type in your name or business name into the search bar and wait for the results. If there are any matches for your name or business name in their system, then you may be entitled to claim what's owed to you. It's an easy process and could net you some extra cash—so why not give it a try?

Don't miss out on this opportunity! You never know what kind of surprise awaits! Who knows -- maybe today will be your lucky day! Check now and find out if any money belongs to you.

Good luck!

Great news!  I have spoken to a number of Nevadans that have found lost treasures and monies that have been claimed!

Las Vegas Ranks In Dirtiest Cities In America; See Who’s Number One

This may not be one of our proudest moments but Las Vegas ranks as one of the dirtiest cities in the U.S.

Vegas is a small city with a big attitude. We are looked to be on the level of a Los Angeles, New York, and maybe even a Chicago when it comes to primary travel destinations. The difference is that we don't have half the amount of residents that live here. And if we're being honest, we like it like that.

What we don't like is killing our mother Earth while creating and spreading pollution. According to, there is an estimated 2,292,476 people who live in Clark County, Nevada as of July 1, 2021.

Where Does Las Vegas Rank As A Dirty City?

Each and every year Las Vegas is growing in residents, housing developments and commercial buildings. The community of Southern Nevada is expanding which then equates to more consumption of food, products and fossil fuels.

City life may seem glamorous but look around the streets and tell us what you see. Food waste and paper products are piling up in our streets. Not as "glamorous" as some might think., conducted a survey of the 152 biggest cities across the U.S. to see which were the dirtiest. The higher the average score the dirtier the city is where the lower the average score means the cleaner the city is.

They evaluated the cities using four key components: Pollution, Living Conditions, Infrastructure and Consumer Satisfaction. The results speak for themselves.

Five California cities ranked the worst for air quality with Riverside, CA ranking at the top. Anchorage, AK ranked as the city with the best air pollution.

Denver, CO ranked the highest for green house emissions from facilities. Virginia Beach, VA ranked using fewer green house emissions from facilities.

You can find more details about the survey here. Help clean up your city today to live in a cleaner environment!

5. Jersey City, NJ

Overall Score: 48.11

Pollution: 50

Living Conditions: 2

Infrastructure: 110

Consumer Satisfaction: 15 

Jersey City, NJ Dirtiest Citiesbluebeat76 via Getty Images

4. Detroit, MI

Overall Score: 48.3

Pollution: 9

Living Conditions: 35

Infrastructure: 89

Consumer Satisfaction: 4 

Detroit, Michigan Dirtiest Citiesf11photo via Getty Images

3. San Bernardino, CA

Overall Score: 51.58

Pollution: 1

Living Conditions: 56 

Infrastructure: 131

Consumer Satisfaction: 1

San Bernardino, CA Dirtiest CitiesMattGush via Getty Images

2. Newark, NJ

Overall Score: 55.25

Pollution: 14

Living Conditions: 5

Infrastructure: 97

Consumer Satisfaction: 3 

Newark, New Jersey Dirtiest CitiesChrisBoswell via Getty Images

1. Houston, TX

Overall Score: 56.02

Pollution: 3

Living Conditions: 4

Infrastructure: 12

Consumer Satisfaction: 34 

Houston, Texas Dirtiest Citiesf11photo via Getty Images

19. Las Vegas, NV

Vegas came in at number 19. We didn't rank in the top 10 which is great but that just means we a lot more work to do.

Overall Score: 43.98

Pollution: 15

Living Conditions: 99

Infrastructure: 2

Consumer Satisfaction: 37 

Las Vegas, Nevada Dirtiest CitiesSean Pavone via Getty Images
Shawn Stevens is the Morning Show Host and Program Director of 107.9 Coyote Country. Hailing from the Midwest, he’s made a career of entertaining audiences from St. Louis to Seattle. He won multiple Colorado Broadcasters awards while in Denver and has called Las Vegas home for over 6 years. Shawn is a creator of art, both on-air and in person, with a mastery of outdoor waterscapes and koi ponds. A man of many interests, Shawn creates content with a focus on Las Vegas living. He’ll let you know the best Las Vegas places to find Nashville’s top talent or best breweries in Sin City or he can help you create a relaxing desert oasis.