Meow Wolf Las Vegas Is Hiring; Multiple Positions
Meow Wolf may just be your next career move. If you’re looking for a job in a fun location that is filled with art, music, events and food then you…

Meow Wolf may just be your next career move. If you're looking for a job in a fun location that is filled with art, music, events and food then you have found your match.
Meow Wolf llc is an entertainment company located out of Sante Fe, New Mexico that creates immersive and interactive experiences that are out of this world.
The foundation of MW comes from artists like you. Founders of the concept had a dream and every day jobs as sculptors, graphic designers, musicians and more. They used their talents to help impact the world and you can too.
They currently have three active locations with a fourth location opening soon in Dallas, Texas in 2023. The new interactive experience can be found in the Grapevine Mills Mall.
U.S. Locations:
- Sante Fe, New Mexico (2016)
- Las Vegas, Nevada (2021)
- Denver, Colorado (2021)
Their mission is "to inspire creativity through art, exploration and play so that imagination will transform our worlds."
They posted to their Instagram a purple photo saying "Meow Wolf IS HIRING!" on January 23, 2023. The company is hiring in many different departments through out the company.
Jobs include:
- Administrative
- Marketing
- Box Office
- Exhibition Maintenance
- Internships - Hello young ones looking to get a step in the door.
- Narrative
Motivated and inspiring individuals are encouraged to apply. They do offer a comprehensive benefit and perk package including: Dental & Vision, Medical Insurance Options, Meow Wolf Yoga, 40% off Meow Wolf gift shop merch, 401k Retirement Plan and more.
MF is an equal opportunity employer. They state on their website that "all qualified applicants will be considered." This is your chance to trust your talents and go out on a wimp.
If you are an artist or if you know of an artist who may just want to collaborate with the company they have a section for submissions.
Each of the job details can be found on their website HERE. We hope you find the job of your dreams.
Nevada Ranks In Bottom 10 For Worst States To Drive In
We don't want Nevada to become one of the worst states to drive in but unfortunately it's out of our control. Most people don't like driving in traffic and if you're someone who says you do we would think you're crazy.
Las Vegas has roughly two million people in it and the routes to get anywhere are averaging 20 to 30 minutes which isn't horrible, for now. We don't want the California transplants to clog up our roads causing drive times to increase. Plus, traffic causes other problems including car wrecks, lateness, mechanical issues and a slue of other things.
A new study has just been released by our friends at Wallethub on "2023 Best & Worst States To Drive In." The data showcases positive driving experiences in congruent with 31 key metrics.
Four of their main categories are: Cost of ownership and maintenance, traffic and infrastructure, safety and access to vehicles and maintenance. Total scores were taken from the weighted average of each metric which is how the order of the states were placed. All categories except the "Total score" were ranked with a 1 meaning the best and 100 meaning the worst.
The top 5 states for the "best" driving experience rank as:
5. North Carolina 60.65
4. Oklahoma 60.81
3. Ohio 61.38
2. Georgia 61.41
1. Iowa 62.61
Iowa, had the highest overall score from all 50 states. Just a reminder, the total score is not calculated in the 1 to 100 ranking system. The state ranked a 7 in cost of ownership, 9 in traffic and infrastructure, 35 in safety and a 19 in access to vehicles and maintenance, making it the top destination to drive in. Other states may need to take a note from Iowa's road regulations and policies.
The state with the most rush hour traffic is California and the state with the least amount is West Virginia.
So what are the worst states to drive in and where does Nevada rank? We are glad you asked!
7) Nevada
Total Score: 49.91
Cost of ownership and maintenance: 48
Traffic and infrastructure: 15
Safety: 9
Access to vehicles and maintenance: 37

6) Missouri
Total Score: 48.72
Cost of ownership and maintenance: 28
Traffic and infrastructure: 29
Safety: 50
Access to vehicles and maintenance: 15

5) Maryland
Total Score: 48.09
Cost of ownership and maintenance: 37
Traffic and infrastructure: 50
Safety: 19
Access to vehicles and maintenance: 22

4) Rhode Island
Total Score: 47.84
Cost of ownership and maintenance: 45
Traffic and infrastructure: 46
Safety: 5
Access to vehicles and maintenance: 45

3) Delaware
Total Score: 47.50
Cost of ownership and maintenance: 44
Traffic and infrastructure: 36
Safety: 11
Access to vehicles and maintenance: 49

2) Washington
Total Score: 47.48
Cost of ownership and maintenance: 47
Traffic and infrastructure: 39
Safety: 20
Access to vehicles and maintenance: 16

1) Hawaii
Total Score: 40.28
Cost of ownership and maintenance: 50
Traffic and infrastructure: 43
Safety: 6
Access to vehicles and maintenance: 38