How Far Back Can You Remember
A recent poll asked people how far back you can actually remember and you might be a little surprised how far back we can go! The Mike & Carla Morning…

A recent poll asked people how far back you can actually remember and you might be a little surprised how far back we can go! The Mike & Carla Morning Show brought this up this morning and you might be a bit surprised how many people can remember even their first steps!
The average age of remembering happens to be about four or five, but there are those that can remember even taking their first steps! Amazing right? Now Carla Rea remembers taking a photo of her in uniform back when she was only three. Mike O'Brian has a memory as far back as four of his family vacation in Florida back in the late 50s.
So M&C decided to open up the talk and text lines to get an idea of how far back others listening this morning can remember. It was surprising that a few listeners proved the study to be correct and recalling memories of when they were three or four.
Now there was an article published a few years ago in Psychology Today and what your oldest memories reveal about you! Stating that most memories as far back as when we were only two or three might be those of emotional events that happened to us. It also mentions that those memories that are happy and enjoyable play a huge part in what we remember.
Whatever the reason and whatever you remember, it seems to be for one reason or another. That the memory had some affect on our life good or bad...but the point being that it's amazing some can remember as far back as taking their first steps as a child!
Read the article to get more information on this type of stuff or better yet, just listen to The M&C Morning Show segment and see if we jog your memory on anything...and more importantly, enjoy!
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